This tool aims to help running multiple services inside a single docker container.
Sometimes you might want to have backend, frontend and nginx (or a combination of those) inside a single container. This tool may help with:
- Prepare final Nginx configs using parse-template
- Wait until backend and frontend start responding before running Nginx
- Stop every process if one of them exits so the whole container stops gracefully
pip install multi-start
multi-start --help
Usage: multi-start [OPTIONS]
Run multiple services at once. Set DEBUG environment variable to 1 for more
verbose output when running.
--backend / --no-backend Enable backend service [default: no-
--backend-cmd TEXT Command to start backend service [default:
poetry run invoke serve]
--backend-dir TEXT Working directory for the backend [default:
--backend-port INTEGER Port number that backend is running at if
port is used
--backend-socket TEXT UNIX socket path that backend is running at
if socket is used [default:
--frontend / --no-frontend Enable frontend service [default: no-
--frontend-port INTEGER Port number that frontend is running at
[default: 3000]
--frontend-cmd TEXT Command to start frontend service [default:
pnpm run start]
--frontend-dir TEXT Working directory for the frontend
[default: frontend]
--nginx / --no-nginx Enable nginx [default: no-nginx]
--nginx-cmd TEXT Command to start Nginx [default: nginx -g
"daemon off;"]
--service-wait-time FLOAT How long to wait for a service to be up an
running (sec) [default: 3.0]
Make sure you install pre-commit and run:
pre-commit install
For testing you can use e.g.
poetry run multi-start \
--backend \
--backend-dir ../another-project/src \
--backend-cmd "poetry run invoke dev" \
--backend-port 8080