Boilerplate for laravel/lumen framework
$ composer create-project --prefer-dist ionghitun/lumen-start-app blog
- php >= 7.3
The official documentation for the framework can be found on the
The project is docker ready via docker-compose, .env.example
contains default configuration for docker.
- Same json response structure when in production.
- Valid for CORS.
- GDPR compliant, sensitive fields are encrypted in database, anonymize data using
- Translations ready, application who consume this api can add their own texts, for emails see
- Error management, any error is catch.
- User registration with account activation (user will receive an email with code), resend activation code.
- User login with possibility to be remembered, login generates a JWT token using
- Login with social: facebook, google.
- Forgot password (user will receive an email with code and will have to use that code to change password).
- Update user profile with change email (a confirmation code with be send on email).
- Change user picture.
- Notifications with emitting event (broadcast).
- Started CRUD example (users tasks).
- Started adding routes to postman collection available in
Happy coding!