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This project contains the official iofod extensions and resources.
The IFstruct command line tool integrates iofod extension development templates, which can be quickly created with the following command.
iofod create --temp extension --dir MyExtensionProject
- Custom Icon Set: Extend the iofod icon to add a custom icon.
- UI Library Development Tool: Essential tools for the development of UI library extensions.
- Material UI: Use the Material UI component library in iofod.
- SVG2Icon: Convert SVG files to iofod's icon component.
- IFstruct synchronization: Listen for IFstruct changes and synchronize the changes to the target server.
- Color UI: Use the Color UI component library in iofod.
- Soft UI: Use the Soft UI component library in iofod.
- Automated Test: A must-have tool to support automated testing of external projects.