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CrusTome: A transcriptome database resource for large-scale analyses across Crustacea. Repository contains example script, links to database download, and supplementary files from manuscript.


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CrusTome: A transcriptome database resource for large-scale analyses across Crustacea

Transcriptomes from non-traditional model organisms often harbor a wealth of unexplored data. Examining these datasets can lead to clarity and novel insights in traditional systems, as well as to discoveries across a multitude of fields. Despite significant advances in DNA sequencing technologies and in their adoption, access to genomic and transcriptomic resources for non-traditional model organisms remains limited. Crustaceans, for example, being amongst the most numerous, diverse, and widely distributed taxa on the planet, often serve as excellent systems to address ecological, evolutionary, and organismal questions. While they are ubiquitously present across environments, and of economic and food security importance, they remain severely underrepresented in publicly available sequence databases. Here, we present CrusTome, a multi-species, multi-tissue, transcriptome database of 201 assembled mRNA transcriptomes (189 crustaceans, 30 of which were previously unpublished, and 12 ecdysozoan outgroups) as an evolving, and publicly available resource. This database is suitable for evolutionary, ecological, and functional studies that employ genomic/transcriptomic techniques and datasets. CrusTome is presented in BLAST and DIAMOND formats, providing robust datasets for sequence similarity searches, orthology assignments, phylogenetic inference, etc., and thus allowing for straight-forward incorporation into existing custom pipelines for high-throughput analyses. In addition, to illustrate the use and potential of CrusTome, we conducted phylogenetic analyses elucidating the identity and evolution of proteins involved in the regulation of crustacean molting and limb-regeneration.

Searching CrusTome using BLAST

The following example consists of a recursive BLAST search to identify putative matches to our query sequences, align protein sequences using MAFFT-DASH, trim alignment to keep informative sites using ClipKit, infer phylogenies using IQtree2 (both trimmed and untrimmed alignments), prune long branches from phylogenies using TreeShrink, and a final phylogenetic inference with IQtree2. This pipeline will result in a decent starting point to phylogenetically characterize sequences of interest across crustaceans.

The present example uses iterative BLAST searches to refine and expand the search hits for better phylogenetic inference. This type of searches can be made in a more succint and efficient way using PSI-BLAST, which after an initial blastp search computes a position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) used for subsequent search iterations. However, we decided to include this longer example as a starting point since it allows for the exploration of intermediary results and the optimization of parameters for specific use cases. Once this has been optimized, a PSI-BLAST search can be used in later searches for simplicity (and specificity gains from using a PSSM).

EXAMPLE ANALYSIS 1 - Iterative BLAST searches -> Phylogenetic characterization

Ensure that the following software dependencies are downloaded, installed, and available on your system via PATH or symlinks.


CrusTome Database:

Example code:

### REPLACE "project" with project name
### REPLACE "reference.fasta" with your input fasta file with reference sequences
### REPLACE "/path/to/crustome/" with the path to where you extracted CrusTome's db files 
### ADJUST evalues according to genes of interest
### ADJUST "-num_threads" "--thread" and "-nt" according to computational resources available
### ADJUST model for iqtree2 according to model-testing results
### EXECUTE commands either line by line (recommended for beginners), as a single script, or via a job scheduling system if on an HPC (e.g., SLURM, LSF).

### 1 - Initial search with reference sequences
blastp -query reference.fasta -db /path/to/crustome/crustome_aa -num_threads 5 -max_target_seqs 1000 -evalue 1e-96 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore pident nident qlen slen qstart qend sstart send length mismatch gapopen" -out hits.tsv

### 2 - List of hit IDS. Remove duplicates.
cut -f2 hits.tsv > prehits.list
awk '!seen[$0]++' prehits.list > hits.list

### 3 - Extract sequences from BLAST db
blastdbcmd -db /path/to/crustome/crustome_aa -dbtype prot -entry_batch hits.list -out hits.fasta -outfmt %f

### 4 - Second search using 1st hits as input
blastp -query hits.fasta -db /path/to/crustome/crustome_aa -num_threads 5 -max_target_seqs 1000 -evalue 1e-96 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore pident nident qlen slen qstart qend sstart send length mismatch gapopen" -out hits2.tsv

### 5 - Populate List of hit IDs from blast results, then remove duplicates with awk
cut -f2 hits2.tsv > prehits2.list
awk '!seen[$0]++' prehits2.list > hits2.list

### 6 - Extract sequences from BLAST db
blastdbcmd -db /path/to/crustome/crustome_aa -dbtype prot -entry_batch hits2.list -out hits2.fasta -outfmt %f

### 7 - Third search using 2nd hits as input

blastp -query hits2.fasta -db /path/to/crustome/crustome_aa -num_threads 5 -max_target_seqs 1000 -evalue 1e-96 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore pident nident qlen slen qstart qend sstart send length mismatch gapopen" -out hits3.tsv

### 8 - Populate List of hit IDs from blast results, then remove duplicates with awk

cut -f2 hits3.tsv > prehits3.list
awk '!seen[$0]++' prehits3.list > hits3.list

### 9 - Extract sequences from BLAST db

blastdbcmd -db /path/to/crustome/crustome_aa -dbtype prot -entry_batch hits3.list -out hits3.fasta -outfmt %f

### 10 - Fourth search using 3rd hits as input

blastp -query hits3.fasta -db /path/to/crustome/crustome_aa -num_threads 5 -max_target_seqs 1000 -evalue 1e-96 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore pident nident qlen slen qstart qend sstart send length mismatch gapopen" -out hits4.tsv

### 11 - Populate List of hit IDs from blast results, then remove duplicates with awk

cut -f2 hits4.tsv > prehits4.list
cat prehits.list prehits2.list prehits3.list prehits4.list > prehits_all.list
awk '!seen[$0]++' prehits_all.list > hits_all.list

### 12 - Extract sequences from BLAST db

blastdbcmd -db /path/to/crustome/crustome_aa -dbtype prot -entry_batch hits_all.list -out hits_all.fasta -outfmt %f

### 13 - Concatenate with original reference seqs

cat hits_all.fasta reference.fasta > input.fa

### 14 - Align sequences
mafft --dash --originalseqonly --genafpair --maxiterate 10000 --thread 10 input.fa > alignment.fa

### 15 - Trim alignment gaps with clipkit
cut -d ' ' -f1 alignment.fa > aligned.fa
clipkit aligned.fa -m smart-gap

### 16 - Infer phylogeny with iqtree2
### Suggestion: Use different clipkit settings and infer a phylogeny for each trimmed alignment version
iqtree -s aligned.fa.clipkit -pre project.trimmed -nt 10 -m TESTNEW -msub nuclear -bb 1000 -bnni -abayes
iqtree -s aligned.fa -pre project -nt 10 -m TESTNEW -msub nuclear -bb 1000 -bnni -abayes

### 17 - TreeShrink
mkdir trees
mkdir trees/project
cp project.contree trees/project/input.tree
cp aligned.fa trees/project/input.fasta
mkdir trees/project.trimmed
cp project.trimmed.contree trees/project.trimmed/input.tree
cp aligned.fa.clipkit trees/project.trimmed/input.fasta -i trees -q 0.05

### 18 - Infer phylogeny with iqtree2
### REPLACE "MODEL" by model given on first tree-building run
mafft --dash --originalseqonly --genafpair --maxiterate 10000 --thread 10 trees/project.trimmed/output.fasta > trees/project.trimmed/realigned.fasta
iqtree -s trees/project.trimmed/realigned.fasta -pre -nt 10 -mset MODEL -nstop 250 -bb 10000 -bnni -abayes

### 19 - Replace IDs with names in final treefile
### "dict" file should be copied to the folder where this is run 
cp /path/to/crustome/dict ./
sed -f <(sed -E 's_(.+)\t(.+)_s/\1/\2/g_' dict) >


CrusTome: A transcriptome database resource for large-scale analyses across Crustacea. Repository contains example script, links to database download, and supplementary files from manuscript.








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