Hello there! If you came looking for Leaflet resources, this is your place!
These materials will teach you the basics to create interactive maps with Leaflet.
The repository is part of the I2DS Tools for Data Science workshop run at the Hertie School, Berlin in October 2024. The student-run workshop is part of the course Introduction to Data Science taught by Prof. Dr. Simon Munzert at the Hertie School, Berlin, in Fall 2024.
The contents of this session will introduce Leaflet as a data visualization tool that can help you identify patterns, trends, and relationships that may not be obvious in raw data. This can add value to your toolbox as a data scientist or practitioner supporting policymakers and other stakeholders.
Remember, a map is worth a thousand words!
The goals of this session are to:
- equip you with conceptual knowledge to use the Leaflet package and integrate your own data sets;
- show you some key functions of the package to add markers, polygons, and other interesting layers; and
- provide you with concrete examples through a tutorial as well as additional resources.
The session is accompanied by a tutorial, which can be accessed here.
Link: Leaflet Package (2024) by Cheng, J., Schloerke, B., Karambelkar, B. & Xie, Y.
Description: This data set contains the boundaries of Berlin's 12 districts.
Link: Bezirksgrenzen (2017) by Geoportal Berlin
Description: This data set offers supplementary meterial about Airbnb listings, including variables such as latitude and longitude, room type, price, and other relevant data.
Link: Determinands of Airbnb Prices (2021) by Kristof, G & Lukasz, N.
- Introduction to interactive maps in R with Leaflet at virginia.edu (2020)
- Multiple examples of Polygon use (n.d.)
- Best practices for map creating and their libraries (2020)
The material in this repository is made available under the MIT license.
Elena and Franco wrote the code for Leaflet, prepared the .Rmd and practice material together. They contributed equally to all workshop materials.