This repository provides materials for our final data science project for the course Introduction to Data Science taught by Simon Munzert at the Hertie School, Berlin, in Fall 2021.
We aim to answer this question with the following subquestions:
- How often are certain words used?
- How long remain certain words included in the headlines?
- How do the answers to the questions above change per country?
- In the "Data" folder you can find the headlines that we scraped in the csv. files.
- The "final-report.rmd" is the rmd file that generates our final report - including all (plotly) figures and text.
- The "master-scraping-script.rmd" contains the code that we used to schedule our scraping.
The material in this repository is made available under the MIT license.
Koen Oosthoek and Abhiram Mohan worked cooperatively on the project.