This repository provides materials for a session that is part of the I2DS Tools for Data Science workshop run at the Hertie School, Berlin in November 2021. The student-run workshop is part of the course Introduction to Data Science taught by Simon Munzert at the Hertie School, Berlin, in Fall 2021.
This session will introduce you to JSON data formats and working with these using the jsonlite package for R. JSON is a type of data that allows users to transmit and serialize structured data (e.g. between a server and web applications) in a more human readable syntax. The jsonlite package provides useful functions to read, prepare and export that data in a consistent way in R.
The goals of this session are to (1) equip you with conceptual knowledge about JSON data, (2) show you the working of and the main functions of the jsonlite package, and (3) show you how to use jsonlite and other tidyverse packages to transform JSON data into tidy data frames (e.g. to use in data analysis).
- JSON data 101
- CRAN website of the jsonlite package
- Documentation on the functions of jsonlite
- Guide on rectangling deeply nested lists
The material in this repository is made available under the MIT license.
Francesco Danovi prepared the theoretical slides (on JSON data), part of the recording, the post-processing of the recording and support during the live session.
Gabriel da Silva Zech prepared the practical slides (on jsonlite), part of the recording, the materials for the live session and the walkthrough of the code during the live session.