This is simple example of test automation mobile framework.
- Java 15 or less (everything 15+ will fail the framework WHY ? TO READ: "illegal reflective access operation" and Java 15 + and Appium + Cucumber, I will explain later how to deal with that)
- Maven
- Appium
- jUnit5
- Cucumber
- BrowserStack
- On Github Actions Java version is 11 (Fix this soon)
Install the most important package manager for MAC
Install Brew
Install latest JAVA version
Install Latest Java
Install latest MAVEN version
Install Maven
- TODO (This will be part of one todo, to explain how to setup mobile test automation on Windows/Mac and described here)
By default test will run default.json
- Run all
mvn clean test -Ddevice="default"
- Run by tag
mvn clean test -Ddevice="default" -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@Smoke"
Also check Makefile for Browserstack