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Draft specification for adaptation of DIDAuth for the Multi-Resource Server use case.


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Multi-RS DID Authentication Spec v0.1

Table of Contents

  • 1 - Introduction
    • Audience
    • Use Cases
    • Design Goals and Rationale
    • Compatibility with OpenID Connect
    • Difference from OpenID Connect
    • Difference from previous spec version (WebID-OIDC v0.1)
    • Out of Scope
    • Terminology
    • Trust Model
    • Overview
  • 2 - Concepts
    • 2.1 Relationship between Authentication and Authorization
    • 2.2 Identity
    • 2.3 User Authentication
    • 2.4 Client (App/Service) Authentication
  • 3 - Authentication Scheme Discovery
  • 4 - Identity Provider Selection
    • Issuer Discovery from WebID Profile
  • 5 - Client Registration / Application Metadata
  • 6 - Authentication Flows
    • OIDC Authorization Code Flow
    • Self-Issued OpenID Connect (SIOP) Flow
    • Constrained Device Flow
    • Implicit (Legacy) Flow
    • Multi Resource Server (Multi-RS) Use Case
    • Role of Local Authentication in OIDC Flows
  • 7 - Tokens and Credentials
  • 8 - Authenticated Requests
    • Use of Authorization header
    • Resource Server Credential Validation
  • 9 - Errors
  • 10 - Security Considerations
  • 11 - Privacy Considerations
  • 12 - Extensibility
    • Adding Authentication schemes
    • Adding Proof of Possession Mechanisms
    • Interoperability with Existing Authentication schemes (SAML, etc)
    • Interoperability with DID Auth
    • Interoperability with Verifiable Credentials
  • 13 - Appendix
    • Relationship to Other Specifications

1. Introduction

1.1 Audience

1.2 Use Cases

1.3 Design Goals and Rationale

1.4 Compatibility with OpenID Connect

1.5 Difference from OpenID Connect

1.6 Out of Scope

1.7 Terminology

This specification uses the terms "Credential", "Verifiable Credential", "Issuer" and "Presentation" defined by Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0 [VC], the terms "Access Token", "Authorization Code", "Authorization Endpoint", "Authorization Grant", "Authorization Server", "Client Authentication", "Client Identifier", "Client Secret", "Grant Type", "ID Token", "Implicit Flow", "Protected Resource", "Redirection URI", "Refresh Token", "Resource Owner", "Resource Server", "Response Type", and "Token Endpoint" defined by OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749], the terms "Claim Name", "Claim Value", "JSON Web Token (JWT)", "JWT Claims Set", and "Nested JWT" defined by JSON Web Token (JWT) [JWT], the terms "Header Parameter" and "JOSE Header" defined by JSON Web Signature (JWS) [JWS], the term "User Agent" defined by RFC 2616 [RFC2616], and the terms "Authentication", "Authentication Request", "Authorization Code Flow", "Claim", "End-User", "Entity", "Identifier", "Identity", "Implicit Flow", "OpenID Provider (OP)", "Relying Party (RP)", "Validation" and "Verification" defined by OpenID Connect Core 1.0 [OIDC].


As defined by OIDC:

Something that has a separate and distinct existence and that can be identified in a context. An End-User is one example of an Entity.


As defined by OIDC:

Piece of information asserted about an Entity.


As defined by OIDC:

Value that uniquely characterizes an Entity in a specific context.

A DID is an example of a globally unique, non-pairwise pseudonymous identifier.


A person ([end-user]), group or organization that is responsible for an [entity], and controls that entity's [identifier].

identifier document

A machine-readable document, obtainable by resolving a Web ID or DID [identifier], that contains statements and metadata about the Entity being identified. Typically, it contains cryptographic materials such as public keys, links to service endpoints and authorized [OpenID Connect Providers] (OPs), and other attributes that are helpful for purposes of [authentication].

A Web ID Profile, and a DID Document, are both examples of identifier documents.


As defined by OIDC:

Human participant.


As defined by OIDC:

Set of attributes related to an entity.

Here, identity specifically refers to a combination of an [identifier], and a corresponding [identifier document] that is obtainable by resolving that identifier.


As defined by OIDC:

Process used to achieve sufficient confidence in the binding between the entity and the presented identity.

authentication flow

OpenID Connect built on top of OAuth 2's Authorization Grants, and introduced the concept of Authentication Flow - a process where a client can use a valid grant (such as the Implicit Grant, Authorization Code Grant, or others) to perform authentication.

The end result of any successful authentication flow is that the client performing it receives one or more credentials from the identity provider. In the case of classic OpenID Connect flows, those credentials are typically either the [id token], an access token specific to a particular resource server, or both.

In addition, OpenID Connect provides a way for a relying party to request arbitrary claims or credentials inside the ID Token. In particular, this specification uses that mechanism to allow a relying party to request one or more reusable credentials that enable audience-constrained protected resource requests to multiple unaffiliated resource servers (see section Multi Resource Server (Multi-RS) Use Case for more details).

Web ID

A globally unique identifier (typically an HTTPS URL) for an entity, that can be resolved to a Web ID Profile document.


As defined by RFC 2616 [RFC2616]. Often, a formal name for a web browser. Note that this is often separate from a [client] application (in many cases, client apps written in Javascript run inside the browser).

resource controller

An [entity] with administrative permissions to a resource (e.g. acl:Control access mode in the case of [WAC]). Alternatively, the [entity] in control of the [resource server] (such as a [Solid pod] or storage space) in which the resource resides.

Similar to the OAuth 2 and UMA 2 concept of "resource owner", the resource controller MAY be an [end-user] (natural person) or MAY be a non-human entity treated as a person for limited legal purposes (legal person), such as a corporation.

Note the use of "controller" as opposed to "owner"; this specification (and Solid in general), has no notion of owner.

A given resource can have zero, one, or multiple resource controllers.

protected resource

A resource to which access is constrained by an appropriate authorization mechanism (such as Web Access Control WAC rules or Authorization Capabilities zCAP).


An application, service, bot, or other software entity interacting with a protected resource hosted by a resource server on behalf of a requesting party. The term "client" does not imply any particular implementation characteristics (such as whether the application executes on a server, a desktop, inside a web browser, or on other devices).

The client is an entity in its own right, possessing an identifier, and in some cases, a corresponding identifier document containing client metadata.

requesting party

As defined by UMA2:

An entity (natural or legal person) that uses a client to seek access to a protected resource. The requesting party may or may not be the same party as the resource controller.

Solid storage

A server compliant with the Solid Specification that acts as a resource server (RS).

resource server (RS)

As defined by OAuth2:

The server hosting the protected resources, capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests

protected resource request

A request by a [client] to a [protected resource], carrying [authentication] or authorization [credentials] such as an OAuth 2 Access Token, a Verifiable Credential, or Proof of Possession token.

relying party (RP)

As defined by [OIDC]:

OAuth 2.0 Client application requiring End-User Authentication and Claims from an OpenID Provider.

The client needs authentication related claims/credentials for UI reasons (to display a user name and icon to indicate that they’re logged in, for example), but also in order to present those credentials to the [resource server] when making a [protected resource request]).

OpenID Provider (OP)

Also known as an Identity Provider (IdP) or the Authorization Server (AS).

As defined by OIDC:

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server that is capable of Authenticating the End-User and providing Claims to a Relying Party about the Authentication event and the End-User.

1.8 Trust Model

1.9 Overview

2. Concepts

This section is non-normative.

2.1 Purpose of Authentication

The Solid Project (and similar decentralized personal data servers) use authentication for the following purposes:

  1. To enable authorization. First and foremost, authentication is used as a mechanism to enable rule-based access control (WAC) (although see Section 2.1.1). Authorization requires knowing both the identity of the user and the identity of the client, and as a result, authentication needs to provide (whenever technically possible) a tuple of: (controller id, client id). To put it another way, for any given action (such as an authenticated request to a data store), the access control mechanism needs to know who performed the action, and what software/client they were using to perform it.

  2. To enable discovery. Resolving a controller's or a client's identifier results in an identifier document which is a useful starting point the discovery of user and client metadata. For example, a client application frequently requires some UI elements with which to address the user (a username or a profile picture), as well as the user's preferences and other data relevant to this app.

  3. For auditing. Many use cases require the keeping of audit trails and access logs, which requires knowing who and what accessed a given resource or performed an action.

2.1.1 Authorization Without Authentication

Authorization systems sometimes require the ability to perform access control decisions without authentication, without identifying who is performing an action, either because the protected resource is sufficiently low-value (or low-threat if stolen), or due to practical requirements such as when sharing an online document for dissemination and collaboration with an unknown audience.

As a result, most deployed authorization systems tend to employ a hybrid paradigm: they allow both identity-based and capability-based access control. Systems that prefer strict identity based Access Control Lists nevertheless develop capability links (unguessable tokens or URLs that allow access to the resource). Similarly, even systems such as Authorization Capabilities (originally known as Object Capabilities) that are staunchly against authentication or using identifiers for access control, are forced to accommodate authentication requirements (if only for purposes of auditing) -- see, for example, the Horton protocol used by the object capabilities community.

Although authorization is largely out of scope for this document, it is worth mentioning that this specification aims to support this hybrid approach, and provide functionality for authentication as well as token-based capabilities.

2.2 Identity

For a given entity (whether a person, an organization or a software agent), the term identity refers to a combination of: an identifier (such as a WebID or a DID), and a set of claims (metadata and other attributes) that typically reside in an identifier document (such as a WebID Profile or a DID Document).

In this specification, we are concerned primarily with two types of identities.

The first one is the identity of users (or controllers), which are entities responsible for an action performed on a protected resource.

The second one is the client identity, since the WAC authorization system often requires the knowledge of what software client was used to perform an action, and restricts access accordingly.

Whenever possible, this specification prefers identifiers that are resolvable, and result in identifier documents.

2.2.1 Controller Identifiers (WebID / DID)

  • For people and organizations only. For application or service identity, see sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.4.
  • Link to the WebID section of the spec.
  • Globally unique, non-pairwise-pseudonymous.

2.2.2 Classifying Clients

There are many different kinds of software that we’re including in the broad term client.

We can classify clients by:

  • By deployment type: Server-side web apps, in-browser JS web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, constrained apps and IoT devices.
  • Clients that have their own identity (bots/services) vs clients that are always “piloted” by a user (apps)
  • “Attended” vs “Unattended” clients
  • By ability to keep secrets (Public vs Confidential vs Semi-Confidential (native))
  • By connectivity (always-on vs intermittent, Internet-accessible vs firewalled/ intranet-only, local/air-gapped, progressive/offline-capable).

It is important to distinguish between strongly-identifiable clients and weakly-identifiable (or user-identifiable) clients.

Strongly identifiable clients can be identified by 3rd parties independently from their user/controller. Only server-side web apps are strongly identifiable -- as confidential clients, they can keep secrets and can present attestations and third-party credentials via DNS / domain certificates.

Native apps - strongly-identifiable in theory (since they are able to keep secrets on an instance level), but not in practice (the OS manufacturers do not make their trust infrastructure available).

Weakly- or User-identifiable clients - in-browser JS apps. Public clients, not able to keep secrets on an instance level. Strongly authenticatable only to their user/controller. Authenticatable to arbitrary third-party Resource Servers only as long as the app's controller cooperates and can be trusted.

2.3 User Authentication

2.4 Client Authentication

3. Authentication Scheme Discovery

RFC 7235 defined the protocol for using the WWW-Authenticate HTTP response header as a way for a Resource Server to issue one or more challenges to a client, that is, to communicate which Authentication schemes it supports.

Solid uses this mechanism to allow a Resource Server to communicate to a Client/Presenter which Authentication methods (and versions) it supports.

Proposed WebID-OIDC 1.0 response example:


> GET /example/resource

< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< WWW-Authenticate: DPoP realm=”” scope=”openid webid”
  • Realm param is optional
  • Scope -- “openid webid” params a MUST.

Note: the DPoP authentication scheme is required by DPoP draft spec

If RS supports both authentication schemes (Bearer and DPoP), multiple WWW-Authenticate headers may be returned.

WWW-Authenticate: DPoP realm=”” scope=”openid webid”, Bearer realm=”” scope=”openid webid”

4. Identity Provider Selection

5. Client Registration / Application Metadata

Client Registration for Solid clients is optional. The Client can proceed without registration as if it had registered with the OP and obtained the following OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration response:

client_id: <Client ID such as a client Web ID or redirect_uri>
client_secret_expires_at: 0

Otherwise, Static or Dynamic registration proceeds exactly as outlined in the existing OIDC and OAuth 2 specifications.

6. Authentication Flows

6.1 OIDC Authorization Code Flow

6.2 Constrained Device Flow

6.3 Implicit (Legacy) Flow

6.4 Multi Resource Server (Multi-RS) Use Case

6.5 Role of Local Authentication in OIDC Flows

7. Tokens and Credentials

ID Tokens

The ID Token, defined in OIDC Core 1.0, has two primary purposes:

  1. Authenticates the user to the RP / Client application (so that it can display their name / picture, for example)
  2. Serve as a general-purpose container for arbitrary custom claims.

OIDC Core 1.0 section 5 defines the Claims mechanism, as a way to request arbitrary claims and credentials inside the id_token. (Either via scope param (section or via the claims request param (section

Example of a traditional ID Token:

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "248289761001",
  "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
  "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
  "exp": 1311281970,
  "iat": 1311280970,
  "nickname": "JaneDoe",
  "picture": "",
  <any other custom claims>

Custom claims that we use currently: webid. Custom claims this spec proposes: id_vc.

Identity Credential

The Identity Credential is requested and received as a custom claim, inside the existing OIDC ID Token:

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "",
  "aud": "",
  "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
  "exp": 1311281970,
  "iat": 1311280970,
  “id_vc”: <reusable ID credential, in Verifiable Credentials format, encoded as a JWT>
  • Is reused (with DPoP mechanism) for the Multi-RS use case
  • For non-Multi-RS cases (and for compatibility with current IdPs and clients), use of ID Credential is optional; a WebID URL can be derived from plain ID Token or Access Token (see below).

Decoded id_vc, a re-usable identity credential, for use with DPoP headers:

  "sub": "",    <- Web ID / DID
  "iss": "",
  "aud": "", // audience constrained to the client / presenter
  "iat": 1541493724,
  "exp": 1573029723,  <- identity credential expiration (separate from the ID token)
         // DPoP public key confirmation, per DPoP spec section 7

8. Authenticated Requests

When making authenticated requests to Resource Servers, a Client uses a combination of the Authorization header and an appropriate Proof of Possession header (such as DPoP).

8.1 Use of Authorization header

For Multi-RS / “Social App” Use Cases

For Multi-RS use cases, a client MUST use an Authorization header as well as the DPoP proof-of-possession header.

Authorization: DPoP <include JWT-encoded ID Credential here>
DPoP: <include a sender-constrained DPoP Proof JWT (see example below)>

Example authenticated request:

GET /protectedresource HTTP/1.1
 Authorization: DPoP eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkJlQUxrYiJ9.eyJzdWI
 DPoP: eyJ0eXAiOiJkcG9wK2p3dCIsImFsZyI6IkVTMjU2IiwiandrIjp7Imt0eSI6Ik

Example contents of Authorization header (this is the ID Credential in its entirety, the contents of the id_vc claim from the IDP's ID Token):

  "sub": "",    <- Web ID / DID
  "iss": "",
  "aud": "", // audience constrained to the client / presenter
  "iat": 1541493724,
  "exp": 1573029723,  <- identity credential expiration
      // DPoP public key confirmation, per DPoP spec section 7
// This ID Credential is signed by the IDP, NOT by the client

Example DPoP Proof JWT (minted by Client app for each resource) (the contents of the DPoP header):

   "jwk": {   // <- gets checked against the cnf claim in the ID Credential (from the Authorization header)
    // the following fields are required only for the authenticated resource request (not for the token endpoint)
   "htu":"",   // <- audience-restriction mechanism
// This token is signed by the client

For “traditional” / Single RS Use Cases

For authenticated requests clients MUST do one of:

a) Either use DPoP-authenticated requests as per Multi-RS section above, or
b) Use “traditional” style access token (and derive WebID url from it as per this spec)

  GET /protectedresource HTTP/1.1
   Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOi...kVigzY

Note the use of Bearer authentication scheme, as opposed to the DPoP scheme from previous section.

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "",
  "aud": "",
  "exp": 1311281970,
  "iat": 1311280970,

8.2 Resource Server Credential Validation

A Resource Server must validate all authenticated requests using the required validation steps for each method, plus the (Solid-specific) Authorized WebID Provider Confirmation step.

Bearer Tokens (Authorization: Bearer), Single RS use case

  1. Validate JWS token as per the JOSE rules (expiration, 'not-before’ timestamp, signature validation by the issuer, audience claim matches the RS)
  2. (Solid-Specific) Validate that the issuer is an authorized OIDC issuer by fetching the WebID Profile, and performing the Authorized WebID Provider Confirmation step.

DPoP Tokens (Authorization: DPoP), Multi RS use case

  1. Validate the Proof token from the DPoP: header as per (Checking DPoP Proofs)
  2. Validate the ID Credential from the Authorization: DPoP header, as per JOSE rules, plus (Public Key Confirmation) section.
  3. (Solid-Specific) Validate that the issuer is an authorized OIDC issuer by fetching the WebID Profile, and performing the Authorized WebID Provider Confirmation step.

9. Errors

10. Security Considerations

11. Privacy Considerations

12. Extensibility

13. Appendix

13.1 Relationship to Other Specifications


Draft specification for adaptation of DIDAuth for the Multi-Resource Server use case.







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