Parse Heritrix frontiers, build seeds list, exclude hosts, crawl better.
Strainer is a tool built to manipulate Heritrix frontier files. It takes one or multiple (GZIP or not) frontier files and build new seeds list based on them.
It can exclude specific hosts, limit the number of occurrence of hosts in the final seeds list, and give you interesting statistics about your frontiers.
It's still a WIP, but it's usable right now.
usage: strainer [-h|--help] -f|--file "<value>" [-f|--file "<value>" ...]
[-m|--max-host-occurrence <integer>] [-e|--excluded-hosts
"<value>" [-e|--excluded-hosts "<value>" ...]] [--temp-dir
manipulate Heritrix frontier files
-h --help Print help information
-f --file Frontier file(s) to process, can be .gz files.
-m --max-host-occurrence Max number of a occurrence of a given host to
accept in the final seed list. If an host is
parsed more than X times, new occurrences of that
host past that limit will be excluded. -1 value
means no limit. Default: -1
-e --excluded-hosts Specific hosts to exclude from the final seed
--temp-dir Temporary directory to use for the key/value
database. Default: /tmp