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Release 3.0.12
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Br1an-Boyle committed Sep 14, 2016
1 parent b921c03 commit f606483
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Showing 20 changed files with 119 additions and 112 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# Intercom

## 3.0.12 (2016-09-14)

* Improved iOS 10 compatibility.
* Fixed issue where chat bubbles could be empty in iOS 10. This was as a result of an iOS 10 bug with collection views.
* Improved localisation of the Messenger for Croation, Chinese, Korean, Catalan, Dutch, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Viatnamese.
* Various other minor bug fixes.

## 3.0.11 (2016-08-31)

* Fixed [#166](
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Intercom.framework.dSYM/Contents/Info.plist
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
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Binary file modified Intercom.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/Intercom
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Intercom.framework/Headers/Intercom.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Intercom.h
// Intercom for iOS - Version 3.0.11
// Intercom for iOS - Version 3.0.12
// Created by Intercom on 8/01/2015.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Intercom. All rights reserved.
Expand All @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#error This version (3.0.11) of Intercom for iOS supports iOS 8.0 upwards.
#error This version (3.0.12) of Intercom for iOS supports iOS 8.0 upwards.

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Binary file modified Intercom.framework/Info.plist
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Intercom.framework/Intercom
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/images/linkedin.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file modified Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/images/linkedin@2x.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file modified Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/images/linkedin@3x.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/locales/ca.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"error.loading.conversation" = "No s’ha pogut carregar la conversa";
"error.loading.conversation" = "No s’ha pogut carregar la conversa";
"" = "No s’ha pogut lliurar el missatge";
"message.delivered" = "Lliurat";
"" = "Grаcies";
"" = "Gràcies";
"profile.time.location.format" = "{time} a {location}";
"message.state.sending" = "S’estа enviant";
"message.state.sending" = "S’està enviant";
"message.placeholder.write.reply" = "Escriu una resposta";
"" = "Segueix-nos al Twitter";
"" = "La teva app iOS ja estа integrada amb la plataforma d’Intercom";
"error.title" = "S’ha produпt un error";
"" = "La teva app iOS ja està integrada amb la plataforma d’Intercom";
"error.title" = "S’ha produït un error";
"error.no_conversations.message.no_app_name" = "Cap conversa encara";
"" = "Fes clic a M’agrada al Facebook";
"" = "de {name}";
Expand All @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
"time.difference.format.weeks.ago" = "Fa {delta} setmana(es)";
"last_active.format.hours.ago" = "Actiu fa {hours} h";
"actionsheet.delete" = "Suprimeix";
"" = "Conversaciу nova";
"last_active.over_week_ago" = "Actiu fa mйs d’1 setmana";
"" = "Nova conversa";
"last_active.over_week_ago" = "Actiu fa més d’1 setmana";
"" = "Just ara";
"last_active.minutes.ago" = "Actiu fa {minutes} min";
"last_active.15_minutes" = "Actiu en els darrers {minutes} min";
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22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/locales/hr.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
"error.loading.conversation" = "Nije bilo moguće učitati razgovor";
"" = "Nije bilo moguće isporučiti vašu poruku";
"error.loading.conversation"= "Nije moguće učitati razgovor";
"" = "Nije moguće isporučiti vašu poruku";
"message.delivered" = "Isporučeno";
"" = "Hvala";
"profile.time.location.format" = "{time} u {location}";
"message.state.sending" = "Slanje";
"message.placeholder.write.reply" = "Napiši odgovor";
"" = "Pratite nas na usluzi Twitter";
"" = "Sada je vaša aplikacija za operativni sustav iOS integrirana s platformom Intercom";
"error.title" = "Nešto nije u redu";
"message.placeholder.write.reply" = "Odgovori";
"" = "Pratite nas na Twitteru";
"" = "Vaša aplikacija za iOS je integrirana s Intercom";
"error.title" = "Ups, došlo je do greške";
"error.no_conversations.message.no_app_name" = "Ne postoji još nijedan razgovor";
"" = "Stavite oznaku Sviđa mi se na Facebooku";
"" = "Sviđa mi se!";
"" = "od korisnika {name}";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback" = "Nije bilo moguće učitati razgovore s timom {name}";
"message.placeholder.start.conversation" = "Započni razgovor";
"navigation.back" = "Natrag";
"" = "{name} od poduzeća {company}";
"message.not.seen" = "Nije još uvijek pročitano";
"" = "{name} iz {company}";
"message.not.seen" = "Nije pročitano";
"error.no_conversations.title" = "Ne postoji nijedan razgovor";
"time.difference.delivered" = "Isporučeno";
"actionsheet.try.again" = "Pokušaj ponovno";
"" = "Čestitke";
"app_team" = "tim {name}";
"navbar.title.conversations" = "Razgovori s korisnikom {name}";
"navbar.title.conversations" = "Razgovori s {name}";
"actionsheet.cancel" = "Odustani";
"navigation.close" = "Zatvori";
"message.send" = "Pošalji";
Expand All @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"error.no_conversations.message" = "Ne postoji nijedan razgovor s timom {name}";
"time.difference.format.days.ago" = "prije {delta} dan(a)";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback.no_app_name" = "Nije bilo moguće učitati vaše razgovore";
"" = "Naša aplikacija radi na platformi Intercom";
"" = "Mi koristimo Intercom";
"navbar.title.conversations.no_app_name" = "Razgovori";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "prije {delta} minutu(e/a)";
"" = "Pokušaj ponovo";
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54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/locales/ko.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
"error.loading.conversation" = "대화를 로드할없음";
"" = "메시지가 전달되지 않음";
"error.loading.conversation" = "대화를 불러올없습니다";
"" = "메시지 전송에 실패하였습니다";
"message.delivered" = "전송되었습니다";
"" = "감사합니다";
"profile.time.location.format" = "{time} 위치: {location}";
"message.state.sending" = "전송중";
"message.placeholder.write.reply" = "회신 작성";
"" = "트위터에서 팔로우 하세요";
"" = "귀하의 iOS 앱이 지금 Intercom 플랫폼과 통합되는 중입니다";
"profile.time.location.format" = "{location}의 현재시각: {time}";
"message.state.sending" = "메세지를 전송중입니다";
"message.placeholder.write.reply" = "답장하기";
"" = "트위터 팔로우하기";
"" = "고객님의 iOS 앱을 Intercom 플랫폼과 통합하는 중입니다";
"error.title" = "문제가 발생했습니다";
"error.no_conversations.message.no_app_name" = "대화가 아직 없음";
"" = "페이스북에서 좋아요를 눌러주세요";
"" = "{name}로부터";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback" = "귀하의 {name} 팀과의 대화를 로드할없음";
"message.placeholder.start.conversation" = "대화 시작";
"error.no_conversations.message.no_app_name" = "대화가 아직 없습니다";
"" = "페이스북에서 ‘좋아요’ 누르기";
"" = "{name}님으로부터";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback" = "고객님의 {name} 팀과의 대화를 불러올없습니다";
"message.placeholder.start.conversation" = "대화 시작하기";
"navigation.back" = "뒤로 가기";
"" = "{name} 소속: {company}";
"message.not.seen" = "아직 안보임";
"error.no_conversations.title" = "대화가 없음";
"" = "{company}의 {name}님";
"message.not.seen" = "읽지 않음";
"error.no_conversations.title" = "대화 없음";
"time.difference.delivered" = "전송되었습니다";
"actionsheet.try.again" = "재시도";
"" = "축하합니다";
"actionsheet.try.again" = "다시 시도하기";
"" = "축하드립니다";
"app_team" = "{name} 팀";
"navbar.title.conversations" = "{name}와의 대화 내용";
"navbar.title.conversations" = "{name}님과의 대화 내용";
"actionsheet.cancel" = "취소하기";
"navigation.close" = "닫기";
"message.send" = "전송";
"message.send" = "전송하기";
"time.difference.format.hours.ago" = "{delta}시간 전";
"time.difference.format.weeks.ago" = "{delta}주일 전";
"last_active.format.hours.ago" = "{hours}시간 전 활동";
"last_active.format.hours.ago" = "{hours}시간 전";
"actionsheet.delete" = "삭제하기";
"" = "새로운 대화";
"last_active.over_week_ago" = "1주보다 더 이전에 활동";
"last_active.over_week_ago" = "1주보다 더 전에 활동";
"" = "방금 전";
"last_active.minutes.ago" = "{minutes}분 전 활동";
"last_active.15_minutes" = "지난 {minutes}분 간 활동";
"message.seen" = "보임";
"message.seen" = "읽음";
"last_active.format.days.ago" = "{days}일 전 활동";
"error.starting.conversation.fallback" = "새로운 대화를 시작할 수 없음";
"error.no_conversations.message" = "{name} 팀과의 대화가 아직 없음";
"error.starting.conversation.fallback" = "새로운 대화를 시작할 수 없습니다";
"error.no_conversations.message" = "{name} 팀과의 대화가 아직 없습니다";
"time.difference.format.days.ago" = "{delta}일 전";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback.no_app_name" = "귀하의 대화를 로드할없음";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback.no_app_name" = "고객님의 대화를 불러올없습니다";
"" = "우리는 Intercom으로 구동합니다";
"navbar.title.conversations.no_app_name" = "대화 내용";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "{delta}분 전";
"" = "재시도";
"reply_from_admin" = "회신 {name}";
"" = "다시 시도하기";
"reply_from_admin" = "{name}님의 답장";
"" = "본인";
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/locales/nl.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,5 +44,5 @@
"navbar.title.conversations.no_app_name" = "Gesprekken";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "{delta} min. geleden";
"" = "Opnieuw proberen";
"reply_from_admin" = "Beantwoorden vanaf {name}";
"reply_from_admin" = "Antwoord van {name}";
"" = "Jij";
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/locales/pt-br.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
"" = "Nova conversa";
"last_active.over_week_ago" = "Ativo(a) há mais de 1 semana";
"" = "Agora";
"last_active.minutes.ago" = "Ativo(a) há {minutes}m";
"last_active.15_minutes" = "Ativo(a) nos últimos {minutes}m";
"last_active.minutes.ago" = "Ativo(a) há {minutes}min";
"last_active.15_minutes" = "Ativo(a) nos últimos {minutes}min";
"message.seen" = "Lida";
"last_active.format.days.ago" = "Ativo(a) há {days}d";
"error.starting.conversation.fallback" = "Não é possível começar uma nova conversa";
Expand All @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"error.loading.conversations.fallback.no_app_name" = "Não foi possível carregar as conversas";
"" = "Usamos a tecnologia da Intercom";
"navbar.title.conversations.no_app_name" = "Conversas";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "Há {delta}m";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "Há {delta}min";
"" = "Tentar novamente";
"reply_from_admin" = "Resposta de {name}";
"" = "Você";
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/locales/pt-pt.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
"time.difference.format.weeks.ago" = "Há {delta}sem";
"last_active.format.hours.ago" = "Ativo(a) há {hours}h";
"actionsheet.delete" = "Apagar";
"" = "Conversa nova";
"" = "Nova conversa";
"last_active.over_week_ago" = "Ativo(a) há mais de 1 semana";
"" = "Agora";
"last_active.minutes.ago" = "Ativo(a) há {minutes}m";
"last_active.15_minutes" = "Ativo(a) nos últimos {minutes}m";
"last_active.minutes.ago" = "Ativo(a) há {minutes}min";
"last_active.15_minutes" = "Ativo(a) nos últimos {minutes}min";
"message.seen" = "Lida";
"last_active.format.days.ago" = "Ativo(a) há {days}d";
"error.starting.conversation.fallback" = "Não é possível começar uma nova conversa";
Expand All @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"error.loading.conversations.fallback.no_app_name" = "Não foi possível carregar as conversas";
"" = "Usamos a tecnologia da Intercom";
"navbar.title.conversations.no_app_name" = "Conversas";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "Há {delta}m";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "Há {delta}min";
"" = "Tentar novamente";
"reply_from_admin" = "Resposta de {name}";
"" = "Eu";
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/locales/vi.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"error.no_conversations.message" = "Chưa có hội thoại nào với nhóm {name}";
"time.difference.format.days.ago" = "{delta} ngày trước";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback.no_app_name" = "Không thể tải các hội thoại của bạn";
"" = "Chúng tôi chạy trên Intercom";
"" = "Phát triển bởi Intercom";
"navbar.title.conversations.no_app_name" = "Hội thoại";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "{delta} phút trước";
"" = "Thử lại";
Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions Intercom.framework/Intercom.bundle/locales/zh-hans.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
"error.loading.conversation" = "无法加载会话";
"error.loading.conversation" = "无法加载对话";
"" = "无法发送消息";
"message.delivered" = "已发送";
"" = "感谢您";
"profile.time.location.format" = "{time} 在 {location}";
"message.state.sending" = "发生中";
"message.state.sending" = "发送中";
"message.placeholder.write.reply" = "输入回复";
"" = "在 Twitter 上关注我们";
"" = "您的 iOS App 现在已经集成到 Intercom 平台";
"" = "您的 iOS App 已经集成到 Intercom 平台";
"error.title" = "发生错误";
"error.no_conversations.message.no_app_name" = "还没有会话";
"error.no_conversations.message.no_app_name" = "还没有对话";
"" = "在 Facebook 上为我们点赞";
"" = "来自 {name}";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback" = "无法加载您与 {name} 团队的会话";
"message.placeholder.start.conversation" = "开始新会话";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback" = "无法加载您与 {name} 团队的对话";
"message.placeholder.start.conversation" = "开始新对话";
"navigation.back" = "返回";
"" = "{name} 来自 {company}";
"message.not.seen" = "尚未查看";
"error.no_conversations.title" = "没有会话";
"message.not.seen" = "未读";
"error.no_conversations.title" = "没有对话";
"time.difference.delivered" = "已发送";
"actionsheet.try.again" = "重试";
"" = "恭喜您";
"app_team" = "{name} 团队";
"navbar.title.conversations" = "与 {name} 会话";
"navbar.title.conversations" = "与 {name} 对话";
"actionsheet.cancel" = "取消";
"navigation.close" = "关闭";
"message.send" = "发送";
"time.difference.format.hours.ago" = "{delta} 小时前";
"time.difference.format.weeks.ago" = "{delta} 周前";
"last_active.format.hours.ago" = "{hours} 小时前在线";
"actionsheet.delete" = "删除";
"" = "新会话";
"" = "新对话";
"last_active.over_week_ago" = "1 周前在线";
"" = "刚才";
"last_active.minutes.ago" = "{minutes} 分钟前在线";
"last_active.15_minutes" = "过去 {minutes} 分钟内在线";
"message.seen" = "已查看";
"message.seen" = "已读";
"last_active.format.days.ago" = "{days} 天前在线";
"error.starting.conversation.fallback" = "无法开始新会话";
"error.no_conversations.message" = "尚未与 {name} 团队会话";
"error.starting.conversation.fallback" = "无法开始新对话";
"error.no_conversations.message" = "尚未与 {name} 团队对话";
"time.difference.format.days.ago" = "{delta} 天前";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback.no_app_name" = "无法加载您的会话";
"error.loading.conversations.fallback.no_app_name" = "无法加载您的对话";
"" = "我们在 Intercom 上运行";
"navbar.title.conversations.no_app_name" = "会话";
"navbar.title.conversations.no_app_name" = "对话";
"time.difference.format.minutes.ago" = "{delta} 分钟前";
"" = "重试";
"reply_from_admin" = "来自{name}的回复";
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