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Installing on Raspberry PI

Juan B edited this page Oct 1, 2015 · 3 revisions

Install Verboice on Raspbian

This document details 2 ways in which you can install Verboice on a Raspberry Pi (Debian Wheezy).

Easy method

We provide an Operating System Image with Verboice pre-installed on a Raspbian. The system user is the same as the predefined (user: pi, password: raspberry). Verboice is running as a service, and will start on the Raspberry startup. The admin user is and the password is raspberry-verboice

Download Operating System Image

You can install it using the Raspberry Pi Image Installation Guide

Manual method


Verboice requires Erlang and Raspbian does not have it pre-installed. To properly satisfy this requirement, you first need to install the packages from Erlang Solutions by running the following commands from a terminal inside your Raspberry Pi: (if it asks for distribution name, put wheezy)

wget --no-check-certificate
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
sudo apt-get update


Now it's time to install the packages that Verboice requires to run. Run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev asterisk erlang-dev git mailutils \
      libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev lame sox \
      libcurl4-openssl-dev libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev libyaml-dev postfix \
      festival libzmq-dev


Install Ruby Bundler:

sudo gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc

Setup Verboice

There’s a specific respository branch with modifications for Raspbian. This branch is based on the latest stable version of Verboice.

Clone the Verboice sources into /opt/verboice:

cd /opt
git clone
git fetch && git checkout raspberry_pi

Create database:

mysql -uroot
create database verboice;
create user 'verboice'@'localhost';
grant all on verboice.* to 'verboice'@'localhost';

You will need to precompile the assets on a machine with verboice and rails installed. This is a heavy task for the Raspberry, and it is not recommended that you do it on it. On the machine with verboice run:

cd verboice
bundle exec rake assets:precompile

Then copy the folder ../verboice/public/assets to /opt/verboice/public/assets on the raspberry

Now you need to install some extra requirements and compile the application:

cd verboice
bundle install --deployment --path .bundle --without "development test"
bundle exec rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=production
make -C broker deps

Configure Verboice

Some settings have to be changed in the broker configuration file. Run the following lines adjusting the values if needed:

script/update_erl_config broker/verboice.config verboice db_name verboice
script/update_erl_config broker/verboice.config verboice asterisk_config_dir /etc/asterisk
script/update_erl_config broker/verboice.config verboice asterisk_sounds_dir /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
script/update_erl_config broker/verboice.config verboice base_url "http://`hostname`"
script/update_erl_config broker/verboice.config verboice crypt_secret super_secret
script/update_yml_config config/verboice.yml default_url_options host `hostname`

Install Services

Verboice uses Procman to install the services using Upstart, and it doesn't come preinstalled on Raspbian. You will need to install it

sudo apt-get install upstart

The system will probably ask if you are sure, as this package conflicts with some pre-installed packages. Confirm (usually typing 'Yes, do as I say!'), and install it.

echo -e"RAILS_ENV=production\nHOME=`pwd`" > .env
sudo -E bundle exec foreman export upstart /etc/init -a verboice -u `whoami` --concurrency="broker=1,delayed=1,web=1"

Setup Asterisk

Finally, you need to make some configuration changes required to connect Asterisk with Verboice:

sudo rm -rf /etc/asterisk/*
sudo cp /opt/verboice/etc/asterisk/* /etc/asterisk/
sudo touch /etc/asterisk/sip_verboice_registrations.conf /etc/asterisk/sip_verboice_channels.conf
sudo chown `whoami` /etc/asterisk/sip_verboice_*
sudo mkdir /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/verboice
sudo chown `whoami` /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/verboice
sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk restart

Start Verboice Services

That's all! Verboice services must now be started:

sudo start verboice

You should now be able to navigate to the Verboice console from your browser.

Feel free to contact the community if you run into any issues.