Easy onboarding for decentralized apps built on Arweave. This is the NPM module version of WeaveID.
Install weaveid-js by running:
npm install weaveid --save
After installing, you can add weaveid-js to your react/vue/ts app by importing it into your JS/TS file like so:
import WeaveID from 'weaveid';
To open the login modal and fetch a user's wallet address upon successful login, call the openLoginModal()
method, like so:
window.openLoginModal().then(address => {
// Do what you want with 'address' here!
You can also call it in 1 line using await:
let address = await window.openLoginModal();
// Do what you want with 'address' here!
The following methods are exposed by weaveid-js:
- window.openLoginModal() - Opens the WeaveID login modal. Returns a Promise containing the logged-in user's wallet's address.
- window.closeLoginModal() - Closes the WeaveID login modal.
- window.getAddress() = Returns a Promise containing the logged-in user's wallet's address.
- window.getWallet() = Returns a Promise containing the logged-in user's wallet's JWK keyfile.