nix run
You will need a srvc-server-config.edn (see below). Subdirectories with sr.yaml files will be treated as srvc projects.
This is a working dev config. The passwords are user1pass and user2pass.
{:host "http://localhost:8090"
[{:email ""
:password "bcrypt+sha512$0b7cc3702249eb0af73b596d330c752a$12$bf5d3529c7c7659ce437f8fb3297de7f4f009611a0cfdda0"}
{:email ""
:password "bcrypt+sha512$60e6e89515e750e770ea9816c9d45234$12$1addd7512e6de4269a30be59fdb46e1dc7ac9c3eb4db15d1"}]}
:port 8090
{:host "localhost"
:listen-ports [9500 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509]}
{:idp-url "http://localhost:8080/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php"}
{:secret-key "gM/glaKg0C0ubnVGiNRpbw=="}}
New password hashes can be generated with (buddy.hashers/derive "password")
A new session secret key can be generated with (String. (.encode (Base64/getEncoder) ((requiring-resolve 'crypto.random/bytes) 16)))