A package for the Laravel Framework for sending sms. This package currently supports Textlocal and MSG91 APIs but can be easily extended for others as well. We are open to PRs to extend this other services.
This package provides a wrapper Facade around the internal sms implementation of the supported sms APIs.
$isTransactionalMsg = false;
$recipient1 = "XXXXXXXXXX";
$recipient2 = "XXXXXXXXXX";
$recipients = [$recipient1, $recipient2];
$msgText = "Your SMS text should be typed here";
SMS::driver()->sendSms($recipients, $msgText, $isTransactionalMsg);
This package currently supports Laravel 5.1 and up.
Install the package via composer
composer require insense/laravel-sms
If using Laravel 5.1 to 5.4, Register the ServiceProvider and (optionally) the Facade
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'SMS' => \Insense\LaravelSMS\Facades\SMS::class,
Next, publish the config file with the following artisan
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Insense\LaravelSMS\Providers\SMSChannelServiceProvider" --tag="config"
or if using Laravel 5.5+
php artisan vendor:publish
Now, run migrations
php artisan migrate
After publishing, add and fill the next values to your .env
# Default SMS Driver value can be from "msg91" or "textlocal"
# msg91 (private) API key
# msg91 api end point, this can be changed check same from msg91 api doc
# msg91 promotional message sender code to be shown to user
# msg91 transactional message sender code to be shown to user
# Now add Text Local APIs configurations
# TextLocal (private) API key
# TextLocal Api registration username
# TextLocal Api Hashcode
# textlocal api end point, this can be changed check same from textlocal api doc
# textlocal promotional message sender code to be shown to user
# textlocal transactional message sender code to be shown to user
You can also configure the package in your config/sms.php
Add this in you models package, to save SMS delivery reports
class SMSReport extends BaseModel
* The primary key for the model.
* @var string
protected $primaryKey = 'sms_report_id';
* The table associated with the model.
* @var string
protected $table = "sms_reports";
Add appropriate listeners of SMS events in your EventServiceProvider
* The event listener mappings for the application.
* @var array
protected $listen = [
// to listen for Delivery Report of SMS, populate `SMSReport` Model
'Insense\LaravelSMS\Events\SMSDeliveryEvent' => [
// to listen for sms sent api triggered, client can now wait for delivery report
'Insense\LaravelSMS\Events\SMSSentEvent' => [
// to listen for unsubscribed any user(Laravel User) from application because of incorrect number
'Insense\LaravelSMS\Events\SMSUnsubscribeEvent' => [
Guzzle Http client is used to send requests to API and is a dependency of this package.
The Insense SMS package offers most of the functionality to send group SMS and batch SMS
The SMS::sendSms()
method may be used to send a sms message:
* Send an SMS to one or more comma separated numbers
* @param $numbers
* @param $message
* @param bool $transactional
* @param bool $unicode
* @param array $options country, flash, ignoreNdnc, campaign
* @return array|mixed
* @throws Exception
SMS::sendSms(array $numbers, $message = null, $transactional = false, $unicode = false, Carbon $scheduleTime = null, array $options = []);
The SMS::sendSmsGroup()
method may be used to send a sms message:
* Send an SMS to a Group of contacts - group IDs can be retrieved from getGroups()
* @param $groupId
* @param $message
* @param bool $transactional
* @param bool $unicode
* @param array $options test, receipt_url, custom, optouts, validity
* @return array|mixed
* @throws Exception
SMS::sendSmsGroup($groupId, $message = null, $transactional = false, $unicode = false, Carbon $scheduleTime = null, array $options = []);
The SMS::createGroup()
method may be used to create a sms group:
* Create a new contact group
* @param $group_name
* @return string group id
The SMS::getContacts()
method may be used to get contacts sms group:
* Get contacts from a group - Group IDs can be retrieved with the getGroups() function
* @param $groupId
* @return array SMSContacts
SMS::getContacts($groupId = null);
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.