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Gamma File Decription
GAMMA allows the user to name the file in any "nickname". Even so, there are also some common habits to name different type of files to make it more readable for non-GAMMA users, similar to other software. Here we introduce some common names of GAMMA-based files from SLC step to Unwrapping step.
We organize them based on GAMMA modules:
for interferometry-
*.slc (same thing as ROI_PAC)
*.slc.par (parameters' file about orbit, width, length, time, ...; similar to ROI_PAC *.rsc file but has far less parameters)
*.mli (magnitude image of SLC after doing multilook)
*.mli.par (same thing like *.slc.par, but width and length are changed due to multi-looking)
*.rslc (co-registrated SLC, for TS-InSAR, usually coregistrated to one master image)
*.rslc.par (parameter file of *.rslc, absolutely same as *.slc.par)
*.rmli (co-registrated magnitude images of multi-looked SLC)
*.rmli.par (parameter file of ...)
*.off (offset file of co-registration, include fitted polynomial parameters, length, width, ...)
*.offs (COMPLEX file, offset value in each chosen points, real and imaginary parts for Range and Azimuth offset)
*.snr (std of co-registration in each point, which will be used to mask some points based on a threshold)
*.offset ( text file of *.offs)
*.coffs (COMPLEX file, culled offset of *.offs)
*.coffsets (text type of *.coffs)
*.base (baseline file)
*.base.perp (perpendicular baseline file)
*.cc/cor (coherence map)
*.int (original interferometry file, include every signal, flatten phase, DEM, Def, APS,...)
*.flt ( "flatten" interferogram, after removing flatten signals from *.int)
*.smcc (coherence map based on filtered interferogram)
*.sm_flt (filtered *.flt interferogram)
for DInSAR and geocoding (similar to ISP, all files based on filtering will include "sm", e.g., *sm.diff, *.sm.unw, but the final part of suffix will not change)-
*.diff (interferogram that has removed flatten signals and topography signals)
*.flag (masked file based on coherence map, 0 and 1, only used for Branch-cut unwrapping )
*.mask.ras (masked file for MCF unwrapping, also masked based on coherence)
*.unw (unwrapped interferogram, usually unwrapped from *.diff, data type order is different from that of ROI_PAC's .unw file)
*.hgt (digital elevation model in radar coordinates)
*.dem (..... in UTM coordinates)
*.dem.par (parameters of *.dem file, which is in UTM coordinates, same as *.dem.rsc in ROI_PAC)
*.UTM_TO_RDC (lookup table: from utm to radar coordinates)
mainly for TS-InSAR (conventional PS and SBAS; skipped here). -
for focusing (skipped here)