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Repository for article: Avalos-Alais et Jedynak et al., 2025 "High-resolution electrophysiological mapping of effective connectivity of lateral prefrontal cortex".

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LPFC Connectivity Mapping Project


This repository contains scripts and data for generating matrices and brain maps that illustrate "High Resolution and Electrophysiological Mapping of Effective Connectivity of Lateral Prefrontal Cortex" by Avalos-Alais & Jedynak et al. The analysis is based on sEEG stimulation data from the FTRACT database.

Data Description

While raw data is not shared, we provide processed data matrices containing intracerebral evoked potentials (iEPs) parameters:

  • Probability with corresponding confidence intervals
  • Peak delays

The matrices are organized with stimulated parcels in rows and recorded parcels in columns, using Lausanne-2008 parcellations at different resolutions.

Time Windows

  • General data: 0-100ms
  • Direct connectivity: 0-50ms
  • Indirect connectivity: 100-400ms

Repository Structure


  • compute_and_plot: Main script that coordinates the analysis pipeline using Ftract raw data with matrices and plotting to generate the processed matrices text files and plot connectivity maps.
  • matrices: Handles data processing and matrix generation
  • plotting: Folder of visualization functions (matrices, bar_plots and brain maps)
  • figures: Generates paper figures reading processed data (data shared in Results)

Modules and Data needed to generate results

  • ENIGMA: module used for subcortical plotting
  • MNE_data: contains mesh and '.label' object to plot brains
  • matplotlib_curly_brace: module used to plot curly braces with region data in matrices

Results Directory

Contains processed matrices with the following naming convention: parameter_stimulatedParcelResolution_recordedParcelResolution_timeWindow

Example: p_125to33_0_100ms represents:

  • Efferent probability of connectivity
  • From LPFC parcels (Lausanne2008-125)
  • To brain regions (Lausanne2008-33)
  • Time window: 0-100ms

For analysis including custom merging of regions other terms appear (eg. 'all' to refer to all ipsilateral hemisphere merged as one parcel; and 'nets' for brain parcellated into functional networks). Some cases also include 'L' and 'R' referring to hemisphere sides.

Results Organization

  1. AVG

    • Average efferent and afferent connectivity between Lausanne2008-125 parcels and the ipsilateral brain averaged
    • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices
    • [Figure 2B]
  2. AVG_all_LPFC

    • Average connectivity between LPFC merged as one parcel and the ipsilateral brain averaged
    • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices
  3. Functional_nets

    • LPFC Lausanne2008-125 parcels to ipsilateral functional networks
    • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices, Labels_nets
    • Segmented ROI analysis : anterior/posterior/inferior/superior DLPFC and IFG
    • LPFC segments to ipsilateral functional networks
    • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices
    • [Figure 4]
  4. Lausanne2008-33_125 : Afferent LPFC connectivity

    • Connectivity from the whole brain in Lausanne2008-33 parcellation to LPFC parcels in Lausanne2008-125 parcellation.
    • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices
    • [Figure 2C & 2E second row]
  5. Lausanne2008-125_33 : Efferent LPFC connectivity

    • Connectivity from LPFC parcels in Lausanne2008-125 parcellation to the whole brain in Lausanne2008-33 parcellation.
    • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices
    • [Figure 2C & 2E second row]
  6. Mean_DLPFC_Eff

    • Directedness of connectivity from DLPFC as one parcel to the rest of the brain in Lausanne2008-33 parcellation.
    • Contains : DLPFC label objets for plotting Direct connectivity (0-50ms)
      • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices Indirect connectivity (100-400ms)
      • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices
    • [Figure 3]
  7. Mean_IFG_Eff

    • Directedness of connectivity from IFG as one parcel to the rest of the brain in Lausanne2008-33 parcellation.
    • Contains : IFG label objets for plotting Direct connectivity (0-50ms)
      • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices Indirect connectivity (100-400ms)
      • Contains: CI, Index, N, probability matrices
    • [Figure 3]
  8. N_implanted_contacts

    • Number of implanted contacts on the LPFC or recording LPFC stimulations.
    • [Figure 2A]
  9. Resolutions

    • Resolution comparison data, three LPFC stimulations for brain parcelled in Lausanne2008-33/125/500
    • [Figure 1DEF]
  10. Additional Data -Lausanne2008 parcel definitions (33, 125, 250, 500)

Technical Details

  • CI : confidence intervals for computed probability of connectivity
  • Index : technical information for computation
  • N : number of recordings used for the computation of the connectivity
  • Labels_nets : Object '.label' use to plot.

Matrix Generation

  • ROI definitions use Lausanne2008-125 resolution
  • LPFC consists of DLPFC + IFG for both hemispheres
  • Filtering retains cortical parcels plus amygdala and hippocampus
  • Combined resolution analyses overlay roi-roi connectivity on roi-all connectivity
  • Statistical masking applied based on EP count and stimulation numbers

Matrix Correction Process

Using matrices.atlas_mat:

  1. Takes original matrices (xx, xy)
  2. Applies dimensional indices
  3. Handles parcel merging via tuple lists
  4. Generates statistical masks
  5. Saves corrected matrices as text files

Figure Generation

The figures script generates all paper figures with corresponding supplementary materials. Outputs include:

Figure 1: Methodology Overview

  • D: Lausanne2008-33 parcellation resolution
    • Demonstrates probability of connectivity for LPFC parcel 'Left_rostralmiddlefrontal'
  • E: Lausanne2008-125 parcellation resolution
    • Demonstrates probability of connectivity for LPFC parcel 'Left_rostralmiddlefrontal_1'
  • F: Lausanne2008-500 parcellation resolution
    • Demonstrates probability of connectivity for LPFC parcel 'Left_rostralmiddlefrontal_22'
  • G: LPFC Definition
    • Shows left hemisphere LPFC definition
    • Includes right hemisphere LPFC definition (part of Fig4A and supplementary Fig3A)

Figure 2: Probabilistic Effective Connectivity from and to the LPFC

  • A: Implanted Contacts Analysis
    • Number of contacts used for stimulation/recording of LPFC
    • Combined parcellation: LPFC in Lausanne2008-125, rest of brain in Lausanne2008-33
  • B: Average Connectivity
    • Efferent and afferent connectivity of LPFC Lausanne2008-125 parcels
    • Towards ipsilateral brain hemisphere (merged as one)
  • C: Probability of Effective Connectivity (Brain Plots)
    • Individual LPFC Lausanne2008-125 parcels to Lausanne2008-33 brain
    • Includes Lausanne2008-125 to Lausanne2008-125 connectivity over LPFC
    • I: Efferent connectivity (right hemisphere stimulation)
    • II: Afferent connectivity (right hemisphere stimulation)
  • E: Probability of Effective Connectivity (Matrix Plots)
    • Similar to Figure C, but in matrix format
    • I: Efferent connectivity
    • II: Afferent connectivity
  • G: Symmetry Analysis
    • Scatter plot for afferent and efferent connectivity symmetry

Figure 3: Direct and Indirect Effective Connectivity of the LPFC

Contains brain plots of right hemisphere stimulation (corresponding to supplementary Fig. 2)

DLPFC Section
  • A: Number of stimulation recordings on DLPFC as one parcel
  • B: Direct Connectivity
    • Probability of DLPFC connectivity to Lausanne2008-33 brain
    • Peak mean delays for iEPs in 0-50ms time window
  • C: Indirect Connectivity
    • Probability of DLPFC connectivity to Lausanne2008-33 brain
    • Peak mean delays for iEPs in 100-400ms time window
IFG Section
  • A: Number of stimulation recordings on IFG as one parcel
  • B: Direct Connectivity
    • Probability of IFG connectivity to Lausanne2008-33 brain
    • Peak mean delays for iEPs in 0-50ms time window
  • C: Indirect Connectivity
    • Probability of IFG connectivity to Lausanne2008-33 brain
    • Peak mean delays for iEPs in 100-400ms time window

Figure 4: Probabilistic Effective Connectivity from LPFC to Functional Networks

  • A: Definitions
    • LPFC sub-segmentation:
      • Anterior/Posterior DLPFC
      • IFG
      • Superior/Inferior DLPFC and IFG
    • Brain segmentation by functional networks (LPFC excluded)
    • LPFC parcellation using Lausanne2008-125
    • Includes right hemisphere segments and network definitions
  • B: LPFC Segments to Functional Networks
    • Bar plots showing:
      • Probability of connectivity
      • Number of recordings
    • Right hemisphere segments stimulation
  • C: LPFC Lausanne2008-125 Parcels to Brain Networks
    • Right hemisphere representation
    • I: Brain plots
    • II: Bar plots

Supplementary: Figure S4. Probability of connectivity vs mean peak delay.

Analysis of connectivity of Figure3. For DLPFC and IFG direct and indirect connections, scatter plot of probability of effective connectivity of roi to the rest of the brain against the mean peak delay of the connections.

Usage Notes

  • Raw data processing requires the full FTRACT database (not included)
  • Figure generation needs :
    • MNE python freesurfer data (provided in folder 'MNE-data')
    • MNE python, we used version 1.8.0
    • Matrices of data provided in 'Results'
    • ENIGMA toolbox for subcortical plotting, provided
    • Matplotlib braces, toolbox provided
    • Other dependencies listed in 'requirements.txt', '' is also provided to set up the environment with them. Run it : chmod +x ./


Repository for article: Avalos-Alais et Jedynak et al., 2025 "High-resolution electrophysiological mapping of effective connectivity of lateral prefrontal cortex".






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