There is still no consensus on the most flexible and most simple general purpose markup. Maybe this is not possible for applications as diverse as web sites, program documentation, wikis and so on, but learning a new tool after growing dissatisfied with the one currently used is a desparate move for someone who just wants to add explanatory words to his project. "m4-on-markup" is supposed to let people write their document in a canonic form and try a tool from some selection to see what it turns out. This is also handy if certain features are missing from the build tool and would even allow to transform input text into styled HTML directly. This latter option is not the aim of "m4-on-markup", but may be unavoidable in certain situations and a nice-to-have.
For documentation and homesite building I have tried, in this order: raw HTML, the python "Docutils" and "Asciidoc". Neither did exactly what I wanted, did not work as advertised or needed workarounds. The latter were hard to discover, so eventually the well known unix macro preprocessor "m4" was used to massage the input markup into something either digestible by the build tool or make it usable in the first place.
The file "preproc.m4" defines canonical markup conditioned on the setting of the build-time variable "builder". Currently it can take on the values "asciidoc", "docutils", "txt2tags" and in the future "textile" as well. Only "asciidoc" is implemented at this time, but I have working "docutils" aka. reST templates in a private repo, so that should not take much time.
The sources do not reflect the looks of my homepage while I mess with them! |
The following configuration variables are defined and used in macros:
builder, default: asciidoc
std_fg, default: white
std_bg, default: blue
std_standout_fg, default: red
std_sz, default: +1.5
alt_download_loc, default: your customization
std_email_txt, default: your customization
The following markup macros can be used:
\_def_w_default(config-var, internal-config-var, default)
_standout_fg_bg_sz_(forground, background, size)
_standout_fg_bg_(forground, background)
_standout_(some text)
_doc_header_(title, author)
_comment_(any text)
_sidebar_(sidebar text)
_note_(any text)
_tip_(any text)
_header_2_(any text)
_header_3_(any text)
_llink_(local link target, caption text)
_para_title_(paragraph title)
_anchor_(fragment id)
_anchor_r_(fragment id)
_ul_e_(unordered lit item)