Example project for extending https://github.com/openwisp/django-netjsonconfig
This project completes and corrects the documentation at Extending django-netjsonconfig. Specifically, the following errors have been corrected:
- In extendnetjson_app/models.py: Override all foreign keys to point to the concrete (extended) models. This is pretty messy, but necessary since django-netjsonconfig does not use https://pypi.python.org/pypi/swapper or a similar solution.
- In extendnetjson_app/controller/views.py: All views should have 'model = Device', not 'model = Config'.
- extendnetjson_app/admin.py: Import extended models before the abstract admin classes so that form fields can be instantiated.
Furthermore, the following additional configurations have been added:
- In extendnetjson_project/settings.py: STATICFILES_DIRS has been set to point to django_netjsonconfig.
- In extendnetjson_app/urls.py and extendnetjson_app/controller/urls.py: Set app_name properly