This is a boilerplate template for a akka http service with slick and flyway database migration. You can use it to create your own REST Services on top of the lightbend stack.
- JDK8
- sbt(
- docker for dockerbuild (
- aws account if you want to use a cognito userpool for authentifaction (
- Integration of swagger-ui
- Autogenerated swagger doc from routes as yaml / json
- CRUD Repositorys via slick-repo
- CORS Support via akka-http-cors
- Implemented Authentication with AWS Cognito (JWK) and JWT Token via akka-jwt
- Test coverage with ScalaTest and scoverage code coverage report
- Ready for Docker deployment and CloudFormation deployment
- Config file with optional runtime parameters
- In-Memory Postgres SQL database for tests
- Flyway database migration
- HikariCP as connection pool
- Logging via Log4j with a xml template
- Start a PostgreSQL Database via RDS, Docker or locally
- Create a Userpool with AWS Cognito if you need AWS Authentication.
- Configure your application.conf and the docker.conf (
) (application.conf in test has to stay as it is, for running in a in-memory postgresql instance)
- database url by schemejdbc:postgresql://host:port/database-name
- database userSQL_PASSWORD
- database passwordNIC_IP
- IP Address bounded to the http service default is
- TCP Port used for the http service default is 8080USER_POOL
- Define an other cognito user pool than the preconfigured userpool
To run application, call:
sbt run
If you wanna restart your application without reloading of sbt, use (revolver sbt plugin):
sbt re-start
For launching application in Docker, you must configure database docker instance and run docker image, generated by sbt.
Generating application docker image and publishing on localhost:
sbt docker:publishLocal
Example of running, generated docker image:
docker run --name akkaHttp -e SQL_USER=dbuser -e SQL_PASSWORD=dbpass -e SQL_URL=jdbcURL -d -p 9090:9000 APPLICATION_IMAGE
- id or name of application docker image
look at --link
parameter if the database is also a docker container
To run tests, call:
sbt test
To run all tests, with codecoverage, call:
sbt clean coverage test
To generate a coverage report afterwars the testrun, call:
sbt coverageReport
We will write a blog post soon on innFactory about microservice development.
- Auth now via akka-jwt
- Persistence will be injected to the services
- First stable release
Tobias Jonas
Copyright (C) 2017 innFactory Cloud- & DataEngineering
Published under the Apache 2 License.