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Go-based RESTful API server that generates itself from a Postgres DB

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status: under development, sort of works

An opinionated framework that's trying to make it easy to turn any (with various caveats) Postgres database into a HTTP RESTful API server and a WebSocket CDC server, using Redis for caching, supporting pluggable middleware (for things like authentication / authorization), pluggable post-mutation actions and custom endpoints.


  • Work out why the custom endpoints have stopped working


The TODOs aren't in any sensible order, but the DONEs / WIP are in the order completed

  • [TODO] More of the join stuff (e.g. (column)__load) for the single item endpoints
  • [TODO] Filtering for the claim endpoints
  • [TODO] Support create-or-update endpoints; thoughts:
    • Probably a special URL path
    • Would be nice to be able to create or update reverse-relationship children at the same time
    • Don't ask for an opinionated schema re: constraints- a specified primary key = update, no primary key = create
    • Think about some way to use the object content to potentially resolve a primary key
  • [DONE] Database schema introspection
  • [DONE] Code generation for SQL helpers
    • [DONE] Support loading of directly-related foreign key objects (i.e parents, more or less)
  • [DONE] Code generation for CRUD endpoints
    • [DONE] GET list
    • [DONE] GET item
    • [DONE] PUT (replace)
    • [DONE] PATCH (update)
  • [DONE] Consume logical replication stream and produce CDC events
  • [DONE] Code generation for generic HTTP server
    • [DONE] Include WebSocket CDC server
  • [DONE] Use Redis for a cache in generated CRUD endpoints
    • [DONE] Smart-ish (table-level) cache invalidation using the CDC events
  • [DONE] Support soft-deletion
    • [TODO] Make soft-deletion less implicit and more configurable
  • [DONE] OpenAPI JSON / YAML generation (to support generation of third party clients / servers)
  • [DONE] Support loading of indirectly referenced-by foreign key objects (i.e. children, more or less)
    • [DONE] Make and then fix a big recursive mess (really make sure we can't go infinite)
    • [DONE] Fix up cache invalidation now that it has to flow both ways through the object graph
    • [DONE] Have an in-memory query cache (lifetime-scoped to a root query execution) now that we're touching so much of the object graph per root query
  • [DONE] Some sort of query parameter to opt-out of the directly-related / referenced-by foreign object loading (?depth=(int))
  • [DONE] Figure out how to sensibly serialize / deserialize point / polygon / pointz
    • [TODO] Find a way to not rely on an ST_PointZ for pointz (I think nobody has a working Go lib that handles the binary type?)
  • [DONE] Fix up the various templating shortcuts I've taken that cause staticcheck warnings (e.g. unnecessary use of fmt.Sprintf)
  • [DONE] Add a debounced healthcheck GET /healthz
  • [DONE] Support more Postgres data types as they come up, maybe redo the type-mapping stuff to be clearer in terms of to/from request / db / stream / intermediate
    • [DONE] Maybe just use jackc/pgx everywhere in the hope it'll save some type-juggling
  • [DONE] Cleaner handling for when Redis isn't available
  • [DONE] Better support for recursive schemas (in the case that they cause a graph cycle)
  • [DONE] Change default pagination size to 50
    • [DONE] Make pagination work properly (include items + page etc)
    • [TODO] Work out how to handle pagination size for loaded foreign objects
  • [DONE] Look at places to cut down on copies re: memory usage (given we're potentially slinging a bit of data around)
  • [WIP] Support for custom endpoints
    • [DONE] Some sort of generic endpoint definition / handler pattern
  • [DONE] Make the errors (in the HTTP responses) more readable
  • [DONE] Have an abstraction for distributed locking
    • [DONE] Support table-level locks (including w/ a safe timeout-retry strategy for concurrent competing locks)
    • [DONE] Support advisory locks
  • [WIP] Some sort of "model-first" abstraction to sugar up the process of writing a database schema in SQL
    • [DONE] YAML or JSON structure to describe objects and relationships
    • [DONE] Generate table SQL
      • [DONE] Unique-on constraints (well, indexes)
    • [DONE] Generate foreign key SQL
      • [DONE] One-to-many / many-to-one
      • [DONE] One-to-one
      • [DONE] Many-to-many
        • [TODO] Cleaner abstraction on the generated Djangolang side for using this
    • [DONE] Get it wired into the Djangolang entrypoint
  • [DONE] Have a (column)__load variant for the column query patterns that controls whether it is loaded or not (more granular than just depth)
  • [TODO] Have some typed-error patterns
  • [TODO] Extend the query parameters so that they're repeated for loaded referenced-by foreign objects
  • [TODO] Come up with something for aggregations
  • [TODO] Redo the type mapping stuff again
  • [TODO] Middleware / hooks; all the loose thoughts:
    • Authentication HTTP middleware
    • Support for object-level middleware
    • Authorization object-level middleware
    • Before / after middleware pattern?
    • Before / after hooks? Triggered by stream?
  • [TODO] Explicit tests for the cache
  • [TODO] Mechanism to optionally partition cache by authentication (i.e. public vs private endpoint caching)
  • [TODO] Better tests for OpenAPI schema generation
  • [TODO] Ephemeral pub-sub using Redis w/ WebSocket client
  • [TODO] Move some of the configuration injection further out (environment variables at the outside, but just function parameters further in)
  • [TODO] Replace the various "this should probably be configurable" TODOs with mechanisms to configure
  • [TODO] Support for views
  • [TODO] Think about how to do hot-reloading on schema changes (is this mostly an infra problem? Not sure)
  • [TODO] Document all the features
  • [TODO] Some sort of latest-by-parent endpoint variation that implicitly expects a timestamp or time column on the object in question

Usage for prod

See initialed85/camry for a practical usage of Djangolang.

Usage for dev


  • Linux / MacOS (you can probably build and run this thing on Windows, but you're on your own)
  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Go 1.21+
  • curl
  • entr
  • websocat
  • jq
  • yq
  • golang-migrate


# shell 1 - spin up the dependencies
./ env

# shell 2 - run the generated HTTP API and WebSocket CDC server
./ server

# shell 3 - consume from the WebSocket CDC stream
./ stream

# shell 4 - run the templating tests and then the integration tests for the generated code (causes some changes to be seen at the WebSocket CDC stream)
./ test-clean

Everything should restart automatically when the code changes, testing first any templating aspects and then (if that works) testing the actual behaviours; shells 2 and 3 are mostly just a smoke test.


  • Interact with the generated API at http://localhost:7070
    • e.g.:
      • curl -X POST http://localhost:7070/logical-things -d '[{"name": "Name1", "type": "Type1"}, {"name": "Name2", "type": "Type2"}]' | jq
      • curl 'http://localhost:7070/logical-things?name__in=Name1,Name2' | jq
      • curl 'http://localhost:7070/logical-things?name__ilike=ame' | jq
  • Consume the WebSocket CDC stream at http://localhost:7070/__stream
    • e.g.: websocat ws://localhost:7070/__stream
  • See the generated OpenAPI schema at http://localhost:7070/openapi.json and http://localhost:7070/openapi.yaml
    • curl 'http://localhost:7070/openapi.json' | jq
    • curl 'http://localhost:7070/openapi.yaml' | yq
  • Explore generated OpenAPI schema using Swagger at http://localhost:7071


Database row representations

TODO: this is now incorrect; everything is jackc/pgx, not sure if the below still applies entirely as presented

Database rows in Djangolang are represented as either objects or items.

Objects are the generated Go structs that represent database rows at a high level, with a strict type definition that matches the table and types that are intuitive to work with.

Items are simply map[string]any (where the key is the column name), but confusingly there are 3 patterns around value types, pending which part of Djangolang the items are pertinent to:

  • Query helper functions
    • Types are determined by the produced output (and required input) for SQL queries as handled by:
      • jmoiron/sqlx
      • lib/pq
      • database/sql
  • Logical replication stream
    • Types are determined by the product output for decoded logical replication messagesas handled by:
      • jackc/pgx/v5/pgconn
      • jackc/pgx/v5/pgtype
  • Generated endpoint functions
    • Types are decided by what's most intuitive to work with (once it's marshaled to JSON)

So you can see there are 4 different representations (including the Djangolang object) of a database row each with slightly different types (for the same actual column).

The main challenges arise from the not-very-intuitive types that the two database-facing library suites unmarshal into (and indeed the fact that these don't entirely agree between the database/sql query helper function side and the jackc/pgx logical replication stream side).

At some point I'll aim to change over to just using jackx/pgx for everything to cut down on at least some of this confusion, but we can't get away from needing a different set of types for the Objects and a different set of types for the endpoint-flavoured items anyway.

Type conversions

The type conversion piece is a bit of a mess at the moment- it works largely as intended for the consumer, but the code is not anywhere near as clean as I'd like.

If we follow a row through from a Select into a GET response, it's something like this:

  • A generated SelectABC helper function (where ABC is a generated Djangolang object struct) is called (expected to return []*ABC)
  • The pkg/query/query.go::Select SQL helper function returns items as []map[string]any
    • These are in the native format from the jmoiron/sqlx / lib/pq / database/sql libs suite
  • An appropriate empty Djangolang object struct is created for each item and .FromItem([]map[string]any) is called to set the struct's properties, using the various types.ParseXYZ(any) functions
    • An implication here is that the types.ParseXYZ(any) function must know how to convert from a lib/pq type to a Djangolang object-appropriate type
  • The Djangolang object struct is marshaled with plain old json.Marshal and this is returned in the response
    • An implication here is the Djangolang object-appropriate types must also be Djangolang endpoint-appropriate

And if we do the same for a POST to an Insert, it's something like this:

  • A response body is unmarshaled into []map[string]any
    • These are expected to be in the Djangolang endpoint-appropriate types
  • An appropriate empty Djangolang object struct is created for each item and .FromItem([]map[string]any) is called to set the struct's properties, using the various types.ParseXYZ(any) functions
    • An implication here is that the types.ParseXYZ(any) function must know how to convert from a Djangolang endpoint-appropriate type to a Djangolang object-appropriate type
  • Now validated via the Djangolang object, .Insert() is called and a map[string]any is created using the various types.FormatXYZ(any) functions
    • An implication here is that the types.FormatXYZ(any) function must know how to convert from a Djangolang object-appropriate type to a lib/pq type
  • The pkg/query/query.go::Insert SQL helper function columns as []string and values any which is just our map[string]any split into two parameters

In the background, because we've made a mutation to the database, we've triggered a logical replication stream event; that goes something like this:

  • jackc/pgx/v5/pgconn receives a logical replication stream message
    • It's decoded as an INSERT
  • jackc/pgx/v5/pgtype turns that into a map[string]any item
    • The types are not deemed intuitive at this point
  • An appropriate empty Djangolang object struct is created for the item and .FromItem([]map[string]any) is called to set the struct's properties, using the various types.ParseXYZ(any) functions
    • An implication here is that the types.ParseXYZ(any) function must know how to convert from a jackc/pgx/v5/pgtype type to a Djangolang object-appropriate type

So boiling down the above:

  • types.ParseXYZ(any) (any, error)
    • Used for keys of query-flavoured map[string]any -> Djangolang object
    • Used for keys of stream-flavoured map[string]any -> Djangolang object
  • json.Marshal(any) (any, error)
    • Used for Djangolang object -> endpoint-flavoured map[string]any as []byte
  • json.Unmarshal([]byte, any) error
    • Used for []byte -> endpoint-flavoured map[string]any
  • (*SomeObject).FromItem(map[string]any) (*SomeObject, error)
    • Used for endpoint-flavoured map[string]any -> Djangolang object
  • types.FormatXYZ(any) (any, error)
    • Used for properties of Djangolang object -> query-flavoured map[string]any


Go-based RESTful API server that generates itself from a Postgres DB






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