- React Js - JavaScript Library
- Bootstrap - CSS Framework
- HTML - Markup Language
- Fontawesome - Icon library + toolkit
- Google Fonts - Fonts library (using - Oxygen)
- Jsonplaceholder - Free API Library
Lingvico is a Skill development course selling platform. Here have total 5 pages and its full mobile, Tab, Ipad and Desktop Responsive.
- Home Page: It's a Landing page.
- About Us page: From here you know in detailsl about us
- Courses Page: Here we're showing our all of courses and you can find your desire course from here.
- Blog Page: Here we are showing our regular blog activities. If you want to stay updated with the world then you must see our blog regularly.
- Contact Us Page: Here we are showing our location. If you have any queries or want to meet us then this page will help you.