During their quest to find the greatest treasure in the world, the One Piece, Luffy and his friends are wandering inside a subterranean maze. After many hours, they arrive at the door hiding an old relic, which can be instrumental to achieving their goal. The big problem is that it is made of sea stone and Luffy is unable to use his strength to break it. There are some inscriptions on the walls, which Nico Robin is able to translate. It says: "If you can find the secret hidden among these texts, the door will open." There are many input plaintexts and their corresponding ciphertexts, all of them encrypted using a custom MiMC algorithm under the same key. There are also many skeletons around, of all the people who have so far failed this test. Luckily, Usopp brought his computing device and will try to break the secret. What can he do to recover the secret?
- Clone the repository and keep it private. Use
cargo run --release
to run the puzzle. - This challenge is based on the Lambdaworks codebase.
- The key is the flag. Once you have the code, it may take a few seconds to generate the flag.
- Submit your flag in the corresponding challenge (The Lost Relic) in Ingonyama CTF