V-USB Library based project, heavily based on EasyLogger.
You can send a string to your ATtiny85 via USB, press a button and have the string typed back to your computer via HID Keyboard.
It uses HID Keyboard V-USB, your ATtiny85 will be recognized as a keyboard.
What is V-USB?
V-USB is a software-only implementation of a low-speed USB device for Atmel’s AVR® microcontrollers, making it possible to build USB hardware with almost any AVR® microcontroller, not requiring any additional chip.
More information about V-USB can be found at: http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/index.html.
Source: [obdev.at]
Rev: A
Mac OS X (Note! Brew must be installed! http://brew.sh/)
brew install libusb && brew install libusb-compat
sudo echo "/usr/local/lib" >> "/etc/ld.so.conf"
gcc -o flash flash.c -lusb
git clone https://github.com/ingamedeo/ATtiny85-Password-Keychain.git
This project is released under GNU GPLv3