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Steps to test Treeview

Vipul Singh edited this page Jun 12, 2019 · 11 revisions

The following links can be used to test the 3 modes of treeview:

Following are the steps to test the Tree-view application (both static and dynamic):

Integration Tests:

Static Tree

  • the title appears as Mus musculus Anatomy Tree
  • the first dropdown box appears with default value TS23: 15 dpc
  • search box has loaded
  • Expand All and Collapse All are showing
  • the tree has loaded without any errors being displayed at the top

Dynamic Tree

  1. Legend panel For dynamic tree, legend panel is displayed. The legend panel (left panel) only shows in the case that a specimen RID is supplied in the url. The contents of the panel are always static, so what is showing is what should be tested.
    • Strength section appears with 6 options
      • test the names of each option
      • test the icons for each (the <img src="" attribute)
    • Pattern section appears with 7 options
      • test the names of each option
      • test the icons for each (the <img src="" attribute)
    • Density section appears with 3 options
      • test the names of each option
      • test the icons for each (the <img src="" attribute)
    • Density Change section appears with 4 options
      • test names and icons
    • Contains note section header and icon show
  2. Main tree
    • no title appears
    • the first dropdown box appears disabled with default value TS26: 18 dpc
    • search box has loaded
    • Expand All and Collapse All are showing
    • the tree has loaded without any errors
    • the tree should auto scroll to the first annotated term of the tree (nerve of detrusor muscle of bladder)

Record Page

Following this link, the following should be tested:

  • Scroll down to the Specimen Expression table
  • verify the iframe has loaded without errors.
  • make sure the content of the tree has loaded

Functional Tests:

  1. Hierarchy The Tree-view displays hierarchy of Anatomy terms. In order to expand a particular hierarchy, click on the '+' icon which is adjacent to every parent node in the tree. Similarly, if you want to collapse the hierarchy, click on the '-' icon. Within each hierarchy, the terms are alphabetically sorted.

    • Open a tree node (click +)
    • verify node has expected children
    • if dynamic tree
      • expand nodes until images/annotations appear (use specimen N-GXNY because the metanephros term has an associated image
      • make sure image "popup modal" works properly (prevents navigation when icon clicked and modal opens)
      • verify annotations show up (strength, density, pattern, densityChange)
      • verify tooltips work properly too (note, densityNote)
    • collapse node (click -)
    • verify child nodes have all disappeared (collapsed)
    • for dynamic
      • reopen collapsed nodes until images/annotations appear again
      • verify image popup modal still works
      • verify tooltips still work properly
  2. Expand All Feature For the holistic view of the Anatomy terms and relationships between them, there is a functionality to expand all the hierarchies at once, by clicking on the 'Expand All' button in the Action bar above the Tree.

    • click expand all
    • verify ALL nodes have opened, there should be no visible + symbols
    • for dynamic
      • make sure annotated nodes remain annotated
  3. Collapse All Feature After performing various actions, if the user is interested only in viewing the nodes at the root level, there is a feature to collapse all the expanded nodes at once. This can be achieved by clicking on the 'Collapse All' button in the Action bar above the Tree.

    • click collapse all
    • verify ALL nodes have collapsed, there should be no visible - symbols, tree should be flat
    • for dynamic
      • click expand all after
      • make sure annotated nodes remain annotated

Note: Expand All and Collapse All is not being tested on dynamic tree because of the amount of data present on the page(it currently freezes the browser).

  1. Search Feature If the user is interested in specific terms, the text box can be used to expand those objects by performing a sub-string match on the display names of the nodes. The matched terms are highlighted yellow and in italics so they are easier to locate. The first matched search term is brought into focus.

    • search for a term in the tree
    • make sure term is scrolled to, highlighted, and in italics
    • for dynamic
      • make sure annotation styling remains (bold text)
    • collapse parent node of a highlighted term found by search
    • open that collapsed node and verify searched node is still highlighted and italic
  2. Filter terms for a specific Theiler Stage Select the Theiler Stage from the drop-down, for which you want to view Anatomy terms. The tree will be refreshed with the data for the specified Theiler Stage. If you want to view the data for all stages combined, Select the 'All Theiler Stages' option.

    • only applies to static tree
    • make sure terms are selectable in menu
    • make sure terms exist with term name and some extra information regarding the term
    • select an individual Theiler Stage, tree should refresh
    • select "All Stages", tree should refresh
  3. Boolean Search

    • navigate to boolean search
    • make sure clicking a node populates boolean search
    • then submit that search and verify it navigates to recordset app

Note: After the Theiler Stage drop down value is changed and the new tree is painted, if the search field has a value present, the tree will be expanded with the objects that match the value. If not, all nodes are in the collapsed state.

Error Cases to Test

The following cases should not load any tree data.

The application has a responsive user interface that adapts to different screen/window sizes.