On clean Ubuntu 24.04 you can run the ceremony by:
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install python3-m2crypto python3-pyasn1 python3-pycryptodome python3-progressbar python3-fpdf python3-ldap
git clone https://github.com/infoaed/pseudovote-cdoc.git
cd pseudovote-cdoc
This will end with containers in con
directory and quarantine_01234567890.cdoc
in root.
During the ceremony following commands might be of use:
ls -1 con | wc -l
rm -r con && mkdir con
sha256sum voterlist.txt
du -h con
ls | xargs sha256sum
Create one pseudonym for each voter in voterlist:
- Simple Python code for generating pseudonyms
- Encrypt each pseudonym for a dedicated voter
- Export encrypted pseudonyms for delivery
- Provide instructions to participating in a poll
- Do not store connection between voterlist and pseudonyms
- Prove it as well as possible during the ceremony
- Blackbox list of pseudonyms until the end of election