Simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use navigation service.
- Guest (no login required):
- Visit the navigation service homepage, browse and click on the site card to access the target site.
- Visit the Navigation Services Submissions page to edit the Submit Sitecard request, which will be reviewed later by an administrator.
- Operator:
- Visit the navigation landing page as a guest, register or log in as an operator.
- Visit the navigation service homepage, browse and click on the site card to access the target site.
- Visit the homepage of the navigation service, browse and bookmark your favorite sites, and the site will be classified as a "favorites" category and displayed on the homepage as a category.
- You can click Unfavorite on the Favorites page, and the site will be displayed in the original category.
- Visit the Navigation Service Management page to create a site card, and then edit, activate/freeze, delete, and preview the site card created by yourself.
- Site cards created by operators do not need to be reviewed by the administrator, but only managed by the operators themselves.
- Administrator:
- When the system is started for the first time, a user with the administrator role will be automatically initialized, and the administrator password can be changed through commands or databases.
- Site card management page, manage all site cards, support editing, activating/freezing, deleting, and previewing.
- Site Card Review page, which reviews site card applications submitted by visitors and approves or rejects them.
- User management page, manage all users, support password reset, deletion, or promotion to administrator.
- Operator registration review page, which reviews the operator user registration application, approved or rejected.
- Trend Statistics:
- Trend statistics for all users to browse the navigation site.
- Total number of categories, total number of sites, cumulative historical visits, visits of this month, visits of the week, visits of the day, and number of users (including visitors).
- Monthly site visit curves
- Weekly site visit curves
- Daily site access curves
- TOP10 Visiting Sites
- TOP10 favorite sites
- TOP10 Visitors
- card style improve
- icon: nav bar icon, button icon, card icon, favourite icon
- currently, nav bar component only support emoji
- and icon resource will be load for each component instance, cost too much time
- manage table, and button, actived state switch
- common website icon choose support
- custom theme support
- i18n support
- performance, rerun
- deploy on streamlit cloud
poetry add streamlit
poetry update streamlit
poetry remove streamlit
streamlit run navapp/
# or development mode
streamlit run navapp/ -- --env dev
- install python hook library
poetry add pre-commit --group dev
- install the git hook scripts to current repository
pre-commit install
- run pre-commit hook to export requirements.txt
pre-commit run --all-files
- auto re-export before commit poetry
poetry add new_lib
poetry update
git add pyproject.toml poetry.lock
git commit -m "add new lib"
# auto export...
- build docker image
docker build --network=host -t navlit .
docker build -t navlit .
docker run -p 8080:8080 navlit
- startup docker container
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
- streamlit
- streamlit-extras
- streamlit-navigation-bar
- loguru
- pillow
- peewee