Install php-fpm package.
This role requires Ansible 2.0 or higher, and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.
This role has some testing methods.
To use locally testing methods, you need to install Docker and/or Vagrant and Python requirements:
- Create and activate a virtualenv
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Tests runs automatically on Travis on push, release, pr, ... using docker testing containers
You can use Docker to run tests on ephemeral containers.
make test-docker
You can use Vagrant to run tests on virtual machines.
make test-vagrant
# Packages management
php_fpm_apt_update_cache: True
php_fpm_apt_cache_valid_time: 3600
php_fpm_packages: "{{ _php_fpm_packages }}"
php_fpm_packages_state: 'present'
# Binaries
php_fpm_binary_name: "{{ _php_fpm_binary_name }}"
# Service management
php_fpm_disable_default_service: False
php_fpm_init_file_set_user: False
php_fpm_init_file_process_user: "{{ php_fpm_instance.fpm_pools[0].user }}"
php_fpm_init_file_timeout: 30
# Paths
php_fpm_binary_check_config_file_path: "{{ _php_fpm_binary_check_config_file_path }}"
php_fpm_binary_file_path: "{{ _php_fpm_binary_file_path }}"
php_fpm_config_base_path: "{{ _php_fpm_config_base_path }}"
php_fpm_init_base_path: '/etc/init.d'
php_fpm_init_file_path: "{{ _php_fpm_init_file_path }}"
php_fpm_log_base_path: "{{ _php_fpm_log_base_path }}"
php_fpm_run_base_path: "{{ _php_fpm_run_base_path }}"
php_fpm_systemd_base_path: "{{ _php_fpm_systemd_base_path | default('') }}"
# Files
php_fpm_error_log_file_path: "{{ _php_fpm_error_log_file_path }}"
php_fpm_pid_file_path: "{{ _php_fpm_pid_file_path }}"
# Permissions
php_fpm_config_owner: 'root'
php_fpm_config_group: 'root'
php_fpm_config_directories_mode: '0700'
php_fpm_config_files_mode: '0644'
php_fpm_init_files_mode: '0755'
# Instance management
name: 'fpm'
service_name: "{{ _php_fpm_service_name }}"
- section: 'global'
option: 'pid'
value: "{{ php_fpm_pid_file_path }}"
- section: 'global'
option: 'error_log'
value: "{{ php_fpm_error_log_file_path }}"
- section: 'global'
option: 'include'
value: "{{ php_fpm_config_base_path }}/fpm/pool.d/*.conf"
- name: 'www'
user: 'www-data'
group: 'www-data'
listen: "/var/run/{{ _php_fpm_service_name }}.sock"
listen.owner: 'www-data' 'www-data'
chdir: '/'
php_config: []
php_modules: []
# php.ini configuration file configuration
php_fpm_shared_php_enabled: True
php_fpm_shared_php_force_unlink: False
php_fpm_shared_php_master_file: "{{ php_fpm_config_base_path }}/fpm/php.ini"
php_fpm_shared_php_master_confd: "{{ php_fpm_config_base_path }}/fpm/conf.d"
# Pools default settings
pm: dynamic
pm.max_children: 5
pm.start_servers: 2
pm.min_spare_servers: 1
pm.max_spare_servers: 3
pm.status_path: /status
# Logrotate configuration
php_fpm_manage_logrotate_config: True
filename: "/etc/logrotate.d/{{ php_fpm_instance.service_name }}"
log_pattern: "{{ php_fpm_error_log_file_path }}"
- 'rotate 54'
- 'weekly'
- 'missingok'
- 'notifempty'
- 'compress'
- 'delaycompress'
- 'postrotate'
- "[ -r '{{ php_fpm_pid_file_path }}' ] && kill -USR1 $(cat '{{ php_fpm_pid_file_path }}') > /dev/null"
- 'endscript'
- Set 'php_fpm_init_file_set_user' key to True (default: False)
- Set 'php_fpm_init_file_process_user' key with username
- Set 'php_fpm_disable_default_service' key to True
- Set 'php_fpm_shared_php_enabled' to True (default)
- Use a dedicated role (ex: infOpen.php) to manage php configuration.
When use this setting, conf.d folder and php.ini file will be symlinks from:
- php_fpm_shared_php_master_file target
- php_fpm_shared_php_master_confd target
You can define custom settings for php.ini or php-fpm.conf using:
- php.ini: 'php_config' key of php_fpm_instance
- php-fpm.conf: 'fpm_config' key of php_fpm instance
Note: PHP configuration will be managed only if 'php_fpm_shared_php_enabled' is set to False
- section: 'global'
option: 'my_option'
value: 'my_value'
state: 'present'
Each instance can manage multiple pools, usng this format. Pool settings will be merged with 'php_fpm_pool_defaults' dict
- name: 'foobar'
user: 'www-data'
group: 'www-data'
listen: '/var/run/php5-fpm-foobar.sock'
listen.owner: 'www-data' 'www-data'
Note: PHP modules will be managed only if 'php_fpm_shared_php_enabled' is set to False
- 'json'
- hosts: servers
- { role: infOpen.php-fpm }
Alexandre Chaussier (for Infopen company)
- a.chaussier [at]