MedSky is a storage system that combines Hyperledger Fabric and RockFS multi-cloud storage to ensure integrity and availability of electronic health records. It uses a forked version of Medplum as the backend server to interact with the blockchain network and verify the correctness of user transactions with seamless throughput.
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 20
apt install jq
./ --fabric-version=3.0.0-beta binary
./ setup medium
./ deploy medium
npm install --only=prod @hyperledger/caliper-cli
npx caliper bind --caliper-bind-sut fabric:2.4
npx caliper launch manager \
--caliper-workspace ./ --caliper-networkconfig network.yaml \
--caliper-benchconfig benchconfigs/medsky/config.yaml --caliper-flow-only-test \
cd prometheus-grafana
docker-compose up -d
You can configure Cloud Addresses in config/accounts.json
git clone
cd RockFS
sh ./
cd DepSpacito
sh ./
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 20
git clone
cd medplum
npm i
npm run build:fast
You can configure RockFS address in medplum.config.json
cp -r ../fabric-network/organization packages/server # copy Fabric crypto material
docker-compose up -d # deploy Redis and PostgreSQL database containers
cd packages/server
npm run dev
This is only needed for login and get the JWT token and run the tests
cd packages/app
export MEDPLUM_BASE_URL="http://localhost:5555"
npm run dev
Then go to http://localhost:3000
and login with email
and password medplum_admin
After login retrieve the JWT cookie for the K6 Grafana tests.
cd prometheus-grafana
docker-compose-up -d
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 20
# Install exec plugin
go install
xk6 build --with
cd fabric-js-gateway
npm i
export TOKEN='your-medplum-login-jwt-token'
./ fr # FHIR Read-Only test
./ fw # FHIR Write-Only test
./ br # Binary Read-Only test
./ bw # Binary Write-Only test