- Private DB Portal collaboratively by utilizing Django Rest Framework 3 for the backend and VueJS 3, with Pinia for the frontend. This platform enables users to submit product and evrything on them. The project is stored in an repository and launching it requires minimal setup. The code is designed to be review friendly facilitating effortless deployment.
Build and start:
There is no need to clone the code , you can just get the docker-compose.yml into your machine and run the :
docker-compose up
And to build the docker images run
docker-compose build
To create superuser run in another wsl
docker exec -it inventar-django /bin/bash
python manage.py createsuperuser
cd Inventory-Management/front
Install the required Node.js packages:
npm install
Start the frontend app:
npm run dev
Open a new terminal and go to the backend directory:
cd Inventory-Management/reviews
python -m venv env
Install Django Packages
pip install djangorestframework django-cors-headers
python manage.py migrate
Create a superuser for the Django project:
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver