A lightweight standalone Leaflet plugin to display donut charts instead of circles in map when using Leaflet marker cluster. This lib copies the codes which generate the donut svg from donutjs.
Only depends on Leaflet and Leaflet.markercluster, NOT on other chart library like d3.js
First include the Leaflet.DonutCluster.js, if you want to improve your performance, you could include the optional Leaflet.DonutCluster.css file,
But you should comment the line 85 in the Leaflet.DonutCluster.js file as well.
text.setAttribute('style', ...)
Then use L.DonutCluster to create a markercluster instance.
//create the markercluster
var markers = L.DonutCluster(
//the first parameter is markercluster's configuration file
chunkedLoading: true
//the second parameter is DonutCluster's configuration file
, {
key: 'title', //mandotary, indicates the grouped field, set it in the options of marker
sumField: 'value', // optional, indicates the value field to sum. set it in the options of marker
order: ['A', 'D', 'B', 'C'], // optional, indicates the group order.
title: ['Type A','Type D','Type B','Type C' ], // optional, indicates the group title, when it is an array, the order option must be specified. or use an object.{A:'Type A',D: 'Type D',B:'Type B',C:'Type C' }
arcColorDict: { // mandotary, the arc color for each group.
A: 'red',
B: 'blue',
C: 'yellow',
D: 'black'
Then add the marker into the markercluster.
var marker = L.marker(L.latLng(a[0], a[1]), {
title: title //the value to group