The project is moved to another repo!
A Bash script for Sway Window Manager with preconfigured themes:
- Windows 98/XP/7/10;
- MacOS 1.0/15.0;
- Ubuntu 20.04;
- Additional two Sway themes.
There are configs for some themes, be free to use them! The code is WM-free, meaning you can use it with other WMs just by adding your configs to "config" folder and editing the reload command.
The script has several features:
- Basic GUI
- Easy and intuitive usage
- Notifications
- Auto-backup your previous config up to 8 histories at "~/Documents/sway_configs_saved"
- Hotkeys are automatically appended to the Sway config, so there is no need to manually add it to your config!
- Ctrl+Super+Space - Open GUI of the app
- Ctrl+Super+s - Save your config to the folder ~/Documents/sway_configs_saved
- Ctrl+Super+(1-9) - change theme tho N'th theme
- Ctrl+Super+(left/right) - change theme to the next/previous one
- ./changetheme next - next theme
- ./changetheme MacOSBigSur - change to an exact theme
- ./changetheme (number) - change theme to an N'th theme
- ./changetheme goback (or fuckgoback) - if you was editing your theme and suddenly used this script which overwrites your config, this command gets your overwritten files back, up to 7 saves!
- ./changetheme fuck - well, it's just for fun, if you somehow messed up your config and want to swear at my code, feel free to do that, but I will defend myself ━╤デ╦︻(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)
(I couldn't make it automatic, because Sway is launching it from Desktop)
- rofi-lbonn-wayland-git -> Menu
- Sway -> Window Manager
- Swaylock-effects
- waybar -> bar
- grimshot -> Screenshots
- alacritty -> terminal
- wlogout -> logout screen
- polkit -> authentification for stacer, gparted, etc
- polkit-gnome -> required addition for polkit
- mako -> Notification daemon
- zenity -> GUI application for my script
- autotiling from
- nerd-fonts-fira-code -> icons for panels Link for icons/cursors/themes (Required):
- hcsubser/hybridbar, used in GNOME theme
- nwg-piotr/nwg-dock, used in GNOME and MacOSBigSur themes
- nwg-piotr/nwg-launchers, used in many of themes
- nwg-piotr/nwg-menu, Windows-like GTK menu
- Greetd -> Login Manager
- greetd-gtkgreet -> GTK-based addition for Greetd
- zathura -> PDF (and others) reader
- thunar -> file manager
- Chromium -> browser
Preferred OS would be Arch Linux, since it's much easier to install packages and get same results as mine
Hope you found this repo helpful/inspirational! If you want to tip for a coffee, I will add bitcoin/monero/dogecoin later.
P.S. FYI I'm total noob in git and bash. I made the code to be as safe as possible (so there's no rm -rf ~), yet if you have some programming skills, please check my bash script ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)