These scripts are here to automate the installation of GnuCOBOL 3.1.2 on Windows via WSL.
- Clone the repo
- Install WSL and Ubuntu following the instructions on the Microsoft Docs
- Open Powershell as admin in the repo folder
- Execute this command:
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "install-gnucobol.ps1"
- Configure your UNIX username and password, if asked.
- (OPTIONAL) Change all to (where XX is the local ubuntu server from you country) in the screen and press Ctrl+X to exit and save, confirm with Y.
- If you don't want to change the download mirrors just press Ctrl-X to skip.
TIP: Pay attention and insert your configured UNIX password aways when asked.
TIP: When finished, you can test your instalation by compiling and executing the test.cbl
(it's a simple calculator) file included by executing
wsl cobc -x test.cbl
wsl ./test
on PowerShell