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Rizky Maulana Nugraha edited this page Nov 25, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the docker-realtime-orchestration wiki!

Deployment Notes

Docker Realtime Orchestration is used for Realtime backend/processor orchestration. All services were run inside docker. Deployment services were running and built using Makefile. You can view Makefile for list of available instructions.

Stopping containers

Run from [root] dir of the repository.

make rm

type y for confirmations

Deploying/Starting containers

Run from dir of the repository.

make deploy

This will deploy generic production services. After that, there are some services that needed to be started manually based on the site decisions.

Starting Shakemap monitoring services

There are two available monitoring services, BMKG monitoring and BNPB monitoring. The make script will turn off the other if you start one monitoring. For example, starting BNPB monitoring will turn off BMKG monitoring, and vice versa. The decision to start which monitoring depends on what services were available. The default is to start BNPB monitoring, if it is down, start BMKG monitoring.

To start BNPB monitoring

make bnpb-monitor

To view the monitor log (attached view, CTRL+C to close log view)

make bnpb-monitor-log

The log will add new lines when new shakes received from BNPB.

In case BNPB server was not working or down. We can fall back to BMKG shakemap monitoring.

make bmkg-monitor

To view the monitor log respectively (attached view, CTRL+C to close log view)

make bmkg-monitor-log

This log too will add new lines when new shakes received from BMKG

Starting InaSAFE Worker

InaSAFE Worker is a celery worker that handled remote celery tasks from InaSAFE Realtime Django Web. It will run indefinitely and need to be run after Deploying/Starting containers sections.

Starting InaSAFE Worker

make inasafe-worker

View InaSAFE Worker logs, to make sure it is running (attached view, CTRL+C to close log view)

make inasafe-worker-log

To stop InaSAFE Worker, sometimes needed when updating source code repository or applying new changes to the code.

make stop-inasafe-worker

To stop and start it again immediately InaSAFE Worker (if it is already running). Useful if you just want to refreshe InaSAFE Worker

make restart-inasafe-worker