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Protocol Buffers compiler plugin to quickly generate boilerplate code from your Google Protocol Buffer (proto) definitions.


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Proto Boiler Plugin

Protocol Buffers compiler plugin allows you quickly generate boilerplate code from your Google Protocol Buffer (proto) definitions using template scripts on Python.

The plugin creates a JSON file with intermediate representation (IR) of your proto definitions and then runs template scripts on Python to generate code.

Intermediate representation (IR)

The plugin provides methods to easily navigate through specific proto definitions in the intermediate representation. For example, to iterate through all services, you can write the following:

# for each .proto file
for file, _ in IR.node_iter(IR.decl, 'FILE'):
    # for each service
    for service, _ in IR.node_iter(file['decl'], 'SERVICE'):
        print('service:', service['name'])
        # for each method
        for method, _ in IR.node_iter(service['decl']):
            print('  method:', method['name'])
            print('    input:', method['input'])
            print('      streaming:', method['client_streaming'])
            print('    output:', method['output'])
            print('      streaming:', method['server_streaming'])

Template script on Python

The script should implement the function that takes an IR filename and optional a .proto file name parameters:

def boiling(json_filename: str, proto_filename: str | None)

The plugin calls the boiling() function to generate code. The json_filename file contains an intermediate representation of all processed .proto files. The additional parameter proto_filename can be used to filter the data and generate code only for the file specified in the TEMPLATE_LIST parameter of the configuration file.

The script should output the result code into the stdout stream, for that f-codec, that wraps lonesome f-strings in print() can be used. Or you can involve any other output method, such as the standard print() function.

Example templates for generating .cpp, .swift and .proto source code can be found in "sample/templ/".

You can test code generation using the "sample/" templates and proto files by running:


Configuration file

A configuration file (in Python) can contain the following parameters:

  • LOGGING_FILE: a filename for logging, str
  • LOGGING_LEVEL: a logging level, int
  • TEMPLATE_LIST: a list of template files, with optionally specifying a .proto file, list[templ | tuple[templ, proto]]
    • templ: a file mask, like ""
    • proto: a name of the specific .proto file that will be provided to the template's boiling() function.
  • IR_FILE: a filename for saving IR, str

Custom configuration parameters must be prefixed with MY_.

How to install the package

python3 -m venv ./venv

source ./venv/bin/activate

python3 -m pip install protoboiler


How to use the plugin

To generate code, invoke protoc and provide a configuration file (optional) to the plugin using the protoboiler_out parameter:

source ./venv/bin/activate

protoc -I$proto_dir --protoboiler_out=config=$config_file:$output_dir $proto_dir/*.proto


Getting started

Given you have a proto file "logging.proto":

syntax = "proto3";

package logging;

enum Level {
  NOTSET = 0;
  DEBUG = 10;
  INFO = 20;
  WARNING = 30;
  ERROR = 40;
  CRITICAL = 50;

and a template file "" that use f-codec to output the generated code into stdout:

# -*- coding: f -*-

from protoboiler import IR

def boiling(json_filename: str, _):

// Generated file.
    for file, _ in IR.node_iter(IR.decl, 'FILE'):
        for enum, _ in IR.node_iter(file['decl'], 'ENUM'):
enum class {enum['name']} {{
            for value in enum['value']:
    {value['name']} = {value['number']},


Running the following command:

protoc -I. --protoboiler_out=. ./logging.proto

you will generate "logging.cpp":

// Generated file.
enum class Level {
    NOTSET = 0,
    DEBUG = 10,
    INFO = 20,
    WARNING = 30,
    ERROR = 40,
    CRITICAL = 50,


Given that you have cloned this repository and installed poetry, you can install the plugin dependencies:

cd protoboiler/

poetry install

Now you are ready to run the plugin without installing the package. The launcher script is included in the repository for your convenience:

poetry run ./launcher $config_file $proto_dir $output_dir


Protocol Buffers compiler plugin to quickly generate boilerplate code from your Google Protocol Buffer (proto) definitions.




