A laravel package for manage you're uploads (images and files), that use ajax and bootstrap for client side and use plank/laravel-mediable for server side and store files.
How to install and config va/attachment package?
PHP Package:
composer require va/attachment
NPM Package:
npm i va-attachment
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Plank\Mediable\MediableServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=attachment
'disks' => [
'private' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/private'),
'visibility' => 'private'
* Filesystems that can be used for media storage
* Uploader will throw an exception if a disk not in this list is selected
'allowed_disks' => [
php artisan storage:link
php artisan migrate
<!-- CSRF Token -->
<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
If you use from xampp or wamp, it's installed by default but on linux maybe not installed. If you want to use imagick extension, read the document here
- type="image | video | attachment"
- multiple="false | true"
- page="create | edit"
- name="string"
- label="string"
- validation="['mimes:png,jpg', 'dimensions:ratio=1/1,min_width=600,min_height=600']"
- disabled="disabled"
- required="required"
- tooltip-title="tooltip title" and tooltip-placement="bottom | top | left | right"
- disk="public | private | ftp | ..."
If we want to upload a image in create page:
<x-attachment type="image" multiple="false" page="create" name="feature" label="تصویر شاخص"></x-attachment>
And with custom validation that you can set it on all of types (image, video and attachment)
<x-attachment type="image"
page="create" name="feature" label="تصویر شاخص"
validation="['required', 'mimes:png,jpg', 'dimensions:ratio=1/1,width=600,height=600']"
And if you want to disable a input, use disabled="disabled"
<x-attachment type="image"
page="create" name="feature" label="تصویر شاخص"
If you want to add a * before label use required="required" property
<x-attachment type="image"
page="create" name="feature" label="تصویر شاخص"
If you want to add a tooltip after label use tooltip-title="Tooltip title"
and for change placement use from tooltip-placement="bottom" property
<x-attachment type="image"
page="create" name="feature" label="تصویر شاخص"
tooltip-title="Tooltip title"
If we want to upload many images in create page for gallery:
<x-attachment type="image" multiple="true" page="create" name="galleries" label="تصاویر گالری"></x-attachment>
If we want to show uploaded image in edit page and remove for change image:
<x-attachment type="image" multiple="false" page="edit" name="feature" label="تصویر شاخص" data="{{ $post->getMedia('feature')->pluck('id') }}"></x-attachment>
If we want to show uploaded images in edit page and remove for change images:
<x-attachment type="image" multiple="true" page="edit" name="galleries" label="تصاویر گالری" data="{{ $post->getMedia('galleries')->pluck('id') }}"></x-attachment>
If we want to upload a video in create page:
<x-attachment type="video" multiple="false" page="create" name="video" label="ویدیو"></x-attachment>
If we want to upload many videos in create page:
<x-attachment type="video" multiple="true" page="create" name="videos" label="ویدیوها"></x-attachment>
If we want to show uploaded video in edit page and remove for change video:
<x-attachment type="video" multiple="false" page="edit" name="video" label="ویدیو" data="{{ $post->getMedia('video')->pluck('id') }}"></x-attachment>
If we want to show uploaded videos in edit page and remove for change videos:
<x-attachment type="video" multiple="true" page="edit" name="videos" label="ویدیوها" data="{{ $post->getMedia('videos')->pluck('id') }}"></x-attachment>
If we want to upload a attachment file in create page:
<x-attachment type="attachment" multiple="false" page="create" name="attachment" label="فایل ضمیمه"></x-attachment>
If we want to upload many attachment files in create page for attachment:
<x-attachment type="attachment" multiple="true" page="create" name="attachments" label="فایلهای ضمیمه"></x-attachment>
If we want to show uploaded attachment file in edit page and remove for change attachment:
<x-attachment type="attachment" multiple="false" page="edit" name="attachment" label="فایل ضمیمه" data="{{ $post->getMedia('attachment')->pluck('id') }}"></x-attachment>
If we want to show uploaded attachment files in edit page and remove for change attachments:
<x-attachment type="attachment" multiple="true" page="edit" name="attachments" label="فایلهای ضمیمه" data="{{ $post->getMedia('attachments')->pluck('id') }}"></x-attachment>
Notice: We can use any attribute name in component.
// How to use a custom disk for upload, (e.g) a ftp disk or custom local disk:
// 1- create a disk in /config/filesystems.php
'disk_name' => [
'driver' => 'ftp',
'host' => env('FTP1_HOST'),
'username' => env('FTP1_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('FTP1_PASSWORD'),
// Optional FTP Settings...
'port' => 21,
'root' => '/public_html',
'protocol' => 'http'
// 'passive' => true,
// 'ssl' => true,
// 'timeout' => 30,
// 2- add this lines to .env file
// 3- add this disk name to /config/mediable.php
'allowed_disks' => [
// 4- use in blade
<x-attachment type="image"
label="تصویر شاخص"
// 1- create a disk in /config/filesystems.php
'disk_name' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/public'),
'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage',
'visibility' => 'public',
// 2- add this disk name to /config/mediable.php
'allowed_disks' => [
// 3- use in blade
<x-attachment type="image"
label="تصویر شاخص"
// Notice: We can't use private disks for (image and video) types, but can use for attachmanet type.
Check you're composer.json that installed laravel/ui package
If not installed, run this commands:
- composer require laravel/ui
- php artisan ui bootstrap
Set npm files, the npm package is here
JS file:
Add require('va-attachment/js/va-attachment'); to resources/js/app.js
SCSS file:
Add @import "~va-attachment/scss/va-attachment"; to resources/scss/app.scss
Run command:
npm run dev
return [
'image_valid_mimes' => 'jpeg,png,jpg,gif',
'image_maximum_size' => 5, // Megabyte
// The first variant of list is main variant and we use it for thumbnail,
// and if we want to define a new variant read palnk/laravel-mediable document
// and after define variant in Service Provider. add the variant name to this array.
'image_variant_list' => ['thumbnail'],
'attachment_valid_mimes' => 'pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,jpeg,jpg,png,bmp',
'attachment_maximum_size' => 10, // Megabyte
'attachment_download_link_expire_time' => 6, // Hours
'mimes_validation_message' => 'بارگذاری این نوع فایل مجاز نمیباشد.',
'size_validation_message' => 'اندازه فایل بیشتر از حد مجاز میباشد.',
'remove_file_success_message' => 'فایل با موفقیت حذف شد.',
'remove_file_failed_message' => 'فایل مورد نظر پیدا نشد.',
'hash_file_names' => false,
'set_middleware_to_upload_url' => ['web'],
'set_middleware_to_remove_url' => ['web'],
Use plank/laravel-mediable package to attach files to Model
// Use Mediable trait in you're model:
use Plank\Mediable\Mediable;
class Post extends Model
use HasFactory, SoftDeletes, Mediable;
// Attach array of uploaded files to model:
public function store(Request $request, Post $post)
// Save you're models data
// Attach feature image to saved post
$feature_tag = 'feature';
$post->syncMedia($request->feature, $feature_tag);
// Attach gallery images to saved post
$gallery_tag = 'galleries';
$post->syncMedia($request->galleries, $gallery_tag);
// Update Media model with feature image caption
if($request->has('feature')) {
foreach ($request->feature as $index => $feature) {
'caption' => $request->feature_caption[$index] ?? null
// Update Media model with gallery images captions
if($request->has('galleries')) {
foreach ($request->galleries as $index => $gallery) {
'caption' => $request->galleries_caption[$index] ?? null
$article->getMedia('featured_image')->count() > 0 ? $article->getMedia('featured_image')->first()->getUrl() : '';
// and for show variant
$article->getMedia('featured_image')->count() > 0 ? $article->getMedia('featured_image')->first()->findVariant('thumbnail')->getUrl() : '';