- Check Colors
- 404 + Protected Routes
- Homepage
- Login/Register (Form based only…seperate registration for admin and student, able to choose from login page only)
- Admin registration
- Student registration
- Dashboard
- Create a tuition business (on creation class id given from thich student can join class)
- Create a business website
- Able to post assignments and quizzes
- Able to see all the joined students info
- Schedule classes on the website itself (might try Zoom API)
- Profile page for the teacher
- Task management for teacher
- Able to join classes with the generated class id
- Able to see full details of the coaching and the course
- Profile page of the student
- Able to view/submit the assignments.
- Join scheduled class from website itself
- Also able to see all other tuition courses by other teachers
Demo video :- https://youtu.be/I8HyUnBiwhE