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Delicious - Food App

Delicious Logo

This is a React application that allows users to search for recipes, browse recipes by category, and view detailed information about recipes.

Getting Started

To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies.

git clone
cd foodApp
npm install

Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the development server.

npm start

The development server will run on port 3000. You can access the application by visiting http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file



For the api key you have login to, and go to profile there below show the API Key, just copy and paste to your environment file.


To contribute to the development of Delicious, simply clone the repository and start coding. The app is built using React 18 and React Libraries.


  • Suggested best foods
  • Search Foods
  • Browse any recipe
  • Cuisine Category
  • Recipes with Instruction and Ingredients


  • React 18
  • React Icons
  • React Router DOM
  • Styled Components
  • React Splide
  • Framer Motion

Lessons Learned

  • Basics of React and React Components
  • API Calling using fetch api, use .env of file and import env file api key.
  • Framer Motion for amazing and interactions motion with zero code & maximum speed.
  • React router dom for single page application that have many pages but never refresh react app.
  • React Splide construct versatile and adaptable carousel component that seamlessly integrated.

File Structure

│       favicon.ico
│       index.html
│       logo192.png
│       logo512.png
│       manifest.json
│       robots.txt
    │   apis.js
    │   App.css
    │   App.js
    │   App.test.js
    │   index.css
    │   index.js
    │   logo.svg
    │   reportWebVitals.js
    │   setupTests.js
    │       Category.jsx
    │       Popular.jsx
    │       Search.jsx
    │       Veggie.jsx

Code Structure

The codebase is structured as follows:

  • public/: This directory contains the static assets for the application, such as the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  • src/: This directory contains the source code for the application.
    • App.css: This file contains the CSS styles for the application.
    • App.js: This file contains the main component for the application.
    • index.css: This file contains the global CSS styles for the application.
    • index.js: This file contains the entry point for the application.
    • apis.js: This file contains the API endpoints that are used by the application.
    • components/: This folder contains components are most used in this app.
      • Category.jsx: This file contains the component that displays the recipe categories.
      • Popular.jsx: This file contains the component that displays the popular recipes.
      • Search.jsx: This file contains the component that allows users to search for recipes.
      • Veggie.jsx: This file contains the component that displays the vegetarian recipes.
    • pages/: This folder app pages.
      • Cuisine.jsx: This file contains the component that displays the recipes for a specific cuisine.
      • Home.jsx: This file contains the component that displays the home page.
      • Pages.jsx: This file contains the component that manages the routing for the application.
      • Recipe.jsx: This file contains the component that displays the detailed information about a recipe.
      • Searched.jsx: This file contains the component that displays the recipes that match a search query.
  • .env: This file contains the REACT_APP_API_KEY of the recipe api.


Home Screen Delicious Home Screen

Cuisine Screen Delicious Cuisine Screen

Search Result Screen Delicious Search Result Screen

Recipe Detail Screen Delicious Recipe Detail Screen


Delicious is licensed under the MIT license. See the MIT for more information.