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Term equivalence
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imbrem committed Jul 7, 2024
1 parent 3b86e31 commit b5ff63b
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Showing 13 changed files with 996 additions and 245 deletions.
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Region/Compose.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ variable [Φ: EffInstSet φ (Ty α) ε] [PartialOrder α] [SemilatticeSup ε] [O

namespace Region

theorem InS.vsubst_ret {tyIn tyOut : Ty α} {rest: Ctx α ε} {targets : LCtx α}
(σ : Term.Subst.InS φ (⟨tyIn, ⊥⟩::Γ) _)
(t : Term.InS φ (⟨tyIn, ⊥⟩::rest) ⟨tyOut, ⊥⟩)
: (InS.ret (targets := targets) t).vsubst σ = InS.ret (t.subst σ) := rfl

abbrev Eqv.ret {tyIn tyOut : Ty α} {rest: Ctx α ε} {targets : LCtx α}
(t : Term.InS φ (⟨tyIn, ⊥⟩::rest) ⟨tyOut, ⊥⟩)
: Eqv φ (⟨tyIn, ⊥⟩::rest) (tyOut::targets) := ⟦InS.ret t⟧
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69 changes: 34 additions & 35 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Region/Setoid.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,21 +137,27 @@ theorem InS.lwk_congr {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K : LCtx α} {r r' : InS φ Γ L}
{ρ ρ' : L.InS K} (hρ : ρ ≈ ρ') (hr : r ≈ r') : r.lwk ρ ≈ r'.lwk ρ'
:= r.lwk_equiv hρ ▸ lwk_congr_right ρ' hr

theorem TStep.vsubst_to_uniform {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L} {r r' : Region φ} {σ : Term.Subst φ}
theorem TStep.vsubst {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L} {r r' : Region φ} {σ : Term.Subst φ}
(hσ : σ.Wf Γ Δ) : TStep Δ L r r' → Uniform TStep Γ L (r.vsubst σ) (r'.vsubst σ)
| TStep.step d d' p => sorry
| TStep.let1_beta de dr => sorry
| TStep.rewrite d d' p => sorry
| TStep.reduce d d' p => sorry
| TStep.initial di d d' => sorry
| TStep.terminal de de' dr => sorry

theorem TStep.vsubst_to_congr {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L}
{r r' : InS φ Δ L} (σ : Term.Subst.InS φ Γ Δ) (h : TStep Δ L (r : Region φ) (↑r'))
: r.vsubst σ ≈ r'.vsubst σ := by
cases r; cases r'
exact vsubst_to_uniform σ.prop h
exact vsubst σ.prop h

theorem InS.vsubst_congr_right {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {r r' : InS φ Δ L}
(σ : Term.Subst.InS φ Γ Δ) (hr : r ≈ r') : r.vsubst σ ≈ r'.vsubst σ
:= Uniform.vsubst_flatten TStep.vsubst_to_uniform σ.prop hr
:= Uniform.vsubst_flatten TStep.vsubst σ.prop hr

-- theorem InS.vsubst_subst_equiv {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {r r' : InS φ Δ L}
-- (σ : Term.Subst.InS φ Γ Δ) (hr : r ≈ r') : r.vsubst σ ≈ r'.vsubst σ
-- := Uniform.vsubst_flatten TStep.vsubst σ.prop hr

-- theorem InS.vsubst_congr {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L r r' : InS φ Δ L}
-- {σ σ' : Term.Subst.InS φ Γ Δ} (hσ : σ ≈ σ') (hr : r ≈ r')
Expand All @@ -164,15 +170,15 @@ theorem InS.let1_op {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
: r.let1 (a.op f hf)
≈ (r.vwk1.let1 ((Term.InS.var 0 (by simp)).op f hf)).let1 a
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let1_let1 {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α}
{r : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
(a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨A, e⟩) (b : Term.InS φ (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) ⟨B, e⟩)
: let1 (a.let1 b) r
≈ (let1 a $ let1 b $ r.vwk1)
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let1_pair {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α} (e' := ⊥)
{r : InS φ (⟨ A B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
Expand All @@ -183,23 +189,23 @@ theorem InS.let1_pair {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α} (e' := ⊥)
let1 ((Term.InS.var 1 (by simp)).pair (e := e') (Term.InS.var 0 (by simp))) $
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let1_inl {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α} (e' := ⊥)
{r : InS φ (⟨A.coprod B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
(a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨A, e⟩)
: r.let1 a.inl
≈ (r.vwk1.let1 ((Term.InS.var 0 (by simp)).inl (e := e'))).let1 a
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let1_inr {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α} (e' := ⊥)
{r : InS φ (⟨A.coprod B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
(b : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨B, e⟩)
: r.let1 b.inr
≈ (r.vwk1.let1 ((Term.InS.var 0 (by simp)).inr (e := e'))).let1 b
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let1_case_t {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α}
{s : InS φ (⟨C, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
Expand All @@ -209,15 +215,15 @@ theorem InS.let1_case_t {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α}
: let1 ( l r) s
≈ case a (let1 l s.vwk1) (let1 r s.vwk1)
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let1_abort {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A : Ty α} (e' := ⊥)
{r : InS φ (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
(a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨Ty.empty, e⟩)
: r.let1 (a.abort _)
≈ (r.vwk1.let1 ((Term.InS.var 0 (by simp)).abort (e := e') _)).let1 a
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let2_op {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
{r : InS φ (⟨C, ⊥⟩::⟨B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
Expand All @@ -229,7 +235,7 @@ theorem InS.let2_op {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
r.vwk (ρ := ⟨Nat.liftnWk 2 Nat.succ, by apply Ctx.Wkn.sliftn₂; simp⟩))
:= sorry
-- := Uniform.rel $
-- TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
-- TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let2_pair {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α}
{r : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
Expand All @@ -240,7 +246,7 @@ theorem InS.let2_pair {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A B : Ty α}
let1 (b.wk ⟨Nat.succ, (by simp)⟩) r)
:= sorry
-- := Uniform.rel $
-- TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
-- TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let2_abort {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A : Ty α} (e' := ⊥)
{r : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L}
Expand All @@ -251,7 +257,7 @@ theorem InS.let2_abort {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} {A : Ty α} (e' := ⊥)
r.vwk ⟨Nat.liftnWk 2 Nat.succ, by apply Ctx.Wkn.sliftn₂; simp⟩)
:= sorry
-- := Uniform.rel $
-- TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
-- TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.case_op {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(f : φ) (hf : Φ.EFn f A (B.coprod C) e)
Expand All @@ -260,15 +266,15 @@ theorem InS.case_op {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(let1 a $ case (Term.InS.op f hf (Term.InS.var 0 (by simp))) r.vwk1 s.vwk1)
:= sorry
-- := Uniform.rel $
-- TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
-- TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.case_abort {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} (e' := ⊥)
(a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨Ty.empty, e⟩) (r : InS φ (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L) (s : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L)
: (a.abort _) s ≈
(let1 a $ case (Term.InS.abort (e := e') (Term.InS.var 0 (by simp)) (A.coprod B)) r.vwk1 s.vwk1)
:= sorry
-- := Uniform.rel $
-- TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
-- TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

-- TODO: replacements for let1_case, let2_case

Expand All @@ -280,7 +286,7 @@ theorem InS.cfg_br_lt {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
≈ (let1 a $ (G ⟨ℓ, hℓ'⟩).vwk_id (by simp only [Ctx.Wkn.lift_id_iff,
Prod.mk_le_mk, le_refl, and_true,]; exact List.get_append ℓ hℓ' ▸ hℓ.get)).cfg R G
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

-- TODO: fix this statement ^

Expand All @@ -290,15 +296,15 @@ theorem InS.cfg_let1 {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(G : (i : Fin R.length) → InS φ (⟨R.get i, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L))
: (let1 a β).cfg R G ≈ (let1 a $ β.cfg R (λi => (G i).vwk1))
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.cfg_let2 {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨ A B, ea⟩)
(R : LCtx α) (β : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L))
(G : (i : Fin R.length) → InS φ (⟨R.get i, ⊥⟩::Γ) (R ++ L))
: (let2 a β).cfg R G ≈ (let2 a $ β.cfg R (λi => (G i).vwk1.vwk1))
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.cfg_case {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(e : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨Ty.coprod A B, ea⟩)
Expand All @@ -309,7 +315,7 @@ theorem InS.cfg_case {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
: ( e r s).cfg R G
≈ e (r.cfg R (λi => (G i).vwk1)) (s.cfg R (λi => (G i).vwk1))
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.cfg_cfg_eqv_cfg' {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(R S : LCtx α) (β : InS φ Γ (R ++ (S ++ L)))
Expand All @@ -331,7 +337,7 @@ theorem InS.cfg_cfg_eqv_cfg' {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(by rw [List.append_assoc])))
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, coe_cfg, id_eq, coe_cfg', coe_cast]
apply Rewrite.cast_trg
apply Rewrite.cfg_cfg
Expand All @@ -347,13 +353,13 @@ theorem InS.cfg_cfg_eqv_cfg' {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
rw [<-hi]
simp only [Fin.addCases_right]

theorem InS.cfg_zero {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(β : InS φ Γ L)
: β.cfg [] (λi => i.elim0) ≈ β
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let2_eta {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨ A B, ea⟩)
Expand All @@ -362,7 +368,7 @@ theorem InS.let2_eta {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
let1 ((Term.InS.var 1by simp, le_refl _⟩).pair (Term.InS.var 0 (by simp))) r.vwk1.vwk1)
≈ let1 a r
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf ( (by constructor))
TStep.rewrite InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.wk_cfg {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(R S : LCtx α) (β : InS φ Γ (R ++ L))
Expand All @@ -371,34 +377,27 @@ theorem InS.wk_cfg {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(hρ : LCtx.Wkn (R ++ L) (S ++ L) (Fin.toNatWk ρ))
: cfg S (β.lwk ⟨Fin.toNatWk ρ, hρ⟩) (λi => (G i).lwk ⟨Fin.toNatWk ρ, hρ⟩)
≈ cfg R β (λi => (G (ρ i)).vwk_id ( hρ i))
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (FStep.reduce (by constructor))
:= Uniform.rel $ TStep.reduce InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.case_inl {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(e : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨A, ea⟩)
(r : InS φ (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L)
(s : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L)
: case e.inl r s ≈ let1 e r
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (FStep.reduce (by constructor))
:= Uniform.rel $ TStep.reduce InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.case_inr {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(e : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨B, ea⟩)
(r : InS φ (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L)
(s : InS φ (⟨B, ⊥⟩::Γ) L)
: case e.inr r s ≈ let1 e s
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (FStep.reduce (by constructor))
:= Uniform.rel $ TStep.reduce InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by constructor)

theorem InS.let1_beta {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α}
(a : Term.InS φ Γ ⟨A, ⊥⟩)
(r : InS φ (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L)
: let1 a r ≈ r.vsubst a.subst0
:= Uniform.rel $
TStep.step InS.coe_wf InS.coe_wf (by
:= Uniform.rel $ TStep.let1_beta a.prop r.prop

theorem InS.initial {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L : LCtx α} (hi : Γ.IsInitial) (r r' : InS φ Γ L) : r ≈ r'
:= Uniform.rel (TStep.initial hi r.2 r'.2)
Expand Down
91 changes: 41 additions & 50 deletions DeBruijnSSA/BinSyntax/Rewrite/Region/Step.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,78 +123,69 @@ structure HaveTrg (Γ : Ctx α ε) (L : LCtx α) (r r' : Region φ) where
-- | RWD.refl _, d => d
-- | RWD.cons p s, d => s.wfD (p.wfD d)

inductive TStepD : (Γ : Ctx α ε) → (L : LCtx α) → (r r' : Region φ) → Type _
-- TODO: do we need to require r.WfD for rw?
| step {Γ L r r'} : r.WfD Γ L → r'.WfD Γ L → FStepD Γ.effect r r' → TStepD Γ L r r'
-- | step_op {Γ L r r'} : r.WfD Γ L → r'.WfD Γ L → FStepD Γ.effect r' r → TStepD Γ L r r'
| initial {Γ L} : Γ.IsInitial → r.WfD Γ L → r'.WfD Γ L → TStepD Γ L r r'
| terminal {Γ L} : e.WfD Γ ⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩ → e'.WfD Γ ⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩ → r.WfD (⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩::Γ) L
→ TStepD Γ L (let1 e r) (let1 e' r)

-- def TStepD.symm {Γ L} {r r' : Region φ} : TStepD Γ L r r' → TStepD Γ L r' r
-- | step d d' p => step_op d' d p
-- | step_op d d' p => step d' d p
-- | initial i d d' => initial i d' d
-- | terminal e e' d => terminal e' e d
-- inductive TStepD : (Γ : Ctx α ε) → (L : LCtx α) → (r r' : Region φ) → Type _
-- -- TODO: do we need to require r.WfD for rw?
-- | step {Γ L r r'} : r.WfD Γ L → r'.WfD Γ L → FStepD Γ.effect r r' → TStepD Γ L r r'
-- | initial {Γ L} : Γ.IsInitial → r.WfD Γ L → r'.WfD Γ L → TStepD Γ L r r'
-- | terminal {Γ L} : e.WfD Γ ⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩ → e'.WfD Γ ⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩ → r.WfD (⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩::Γ) L
-- → TStepD Γ L (let1 e r) (let1 e' r)

inductive TStep : (Γ : Ctx α ε) → (L : LCtx α) → (r r' : Region φ) → Prop
| step {Γ L r r'} : r.Wf Γ L → r'.Wf Γ L → FStep Γ.effect r r' → TStep Γ L r r'
-- | step_op {Γ L r r'} : r.Wf Γ L → r'.Wf Γ L → FStep Γ.effect r' r → TStep Γ L r r'
| let1_beta {e r} : e.Wf Γ ⟨A, ⊥⟩ → r.Wf (⟨A, ⊥⟩::Γ) L
→ TStep Γ L (let1 e r) (r.vsubst e.subst0)
| rewrite {Γ L r r'} : r.Wf Γ L → r'.Wf Γ L → Rewrite r r' → TStep Γ L r r'
| reduce {Γ L r r'} : r.Wf Γ L → r'.Wf Γ L → Reduce r r' → TStep Γ L r r'
| initial {Γ L} : Γ.IsInitial → r.Wf Γ L → r'.Wf Γ L → TStep Γ L r r'
| terminal {Γ L} : e.Wf Γ ⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩ → e'.Wf Γ ⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩ → r.Wf (⟨Ty.unit, ⊥⟩::Γ) L
→ TStep Γ L (let1 e r) (let1 e' r)

-- theorem TStep.symm {Γ L} {r r' : Region φ} : TStep Γ L r r' → TStep Γ L r' r
-- | step d d' p => step_op d' d p
-- | step_op d d' p => step d' d p
-- | initial i d d' => initial i d' d
-- | terminal e e' d => terminal e' e d

theorem TStep.left {Γ L} {r r' : Region φ} : TStep Γ L r r' → r.Wf Γ L
| TStep.step d _ _ => d
-- | TStep.step_op d _ _ => d
| TStep.initial _ d _ => d
| TStep.terminal de _ dr => dr.let1 de
| let1_beta de dr => dr.let1 de
| rewrite d _ _ => d
| reduce d _ _ => d
| initial _ d _ => d
| terminal de _ dr => dr.let1 de

theorem TStep.right {Γ L} {r r' : Region φ} : TStep Γ L r r' → r'.Wf Γ L
| TStep.step _ d _ => d
-- | TStep.step_op _ d _ => d
| TStep.initial _ _ d => d
| TStep.terminal _ de dr => dr.let1 de
| let1_beta de dr => dr.vsubst de.subst0
| rewrite _ d _ => d
| reduce _ d _ => d
| initial _ _ d => d
| terminal _ de dr => dr.let1 de

theorem TStep.cast_src {Γ L} {r₀' r₀ r₁ : Region φ} (h : r₀' = r₀) (p : TStep Γ L r₀ r₁)
: TStep Γ L r₀' r₁ := h ▸ p

theorem TStep.cast_trg {Γ L} {r₀ r₁' r₁ : Region φ} (p : TStep Γ L r₀ r₁) (h : r₁ = r₁')
: TStep Γ L r₀ r₁' := h ▸ p

theorem {Γ L} {r r' : Region φ} (h : TStep Γ L r r') : r.Wf Γ L ∧ r'.Wf Γ L
:= ⟨TStep.left h, TStep.right h⟩
:= ⟨left h, right h⟩

theorem TStep.vwk {Γ Δ : Ctx α ε} {L r r' ρ} (hρ : Γ.Wkn Δ ρ)
: TStep (φ := φ) Δ L r r' → TStep Γ L (r.vwk ρ) (r'.vwk ρ)
| TStep.step d d' p => TStep.step (d.vwk hρ) (d'.vwk hρ)
((p.wk_eff (λi hi => by
have hi : i < Δ.length := d.fvs hi
have hρ := hρ i hi
simp only [Function.comp_apply, Ctx.effect, hρ.length, ↓reduceDIte, List.get_eq_getElem, hi,
exact hρ.get.2
)).vwk ρ)
-- | TStep.step_op d d' p => TStep.step_op (d.vwk hρ) (d'.vwk hρ)
-- ((p.wk_eff (λi hi => by
-- have hi : i < Δ.length := d'.fvs hi
-- have hρ := hρ i hi
-- simp [Ctx.effect, hρ.length, hi, hρ.get.2]
-- )).vwk ρ)
| TStep.initial di d d' => TStep.initial (di.wk hρ) (d.vwk hρ) (d'.vwk hρ)
| TStep.terminal de de' dr => TStep.terminal (de.wk hρ) (de'.wk hρ) (dr.vwk hρ.slift)
| let1_beta de dr => (let1_beta (de.wk hρ) (dr.vwk hρ.slift)).cast_trg
(by simp [vsubst_subst0_vwk])
| rewrite d d' p => rewrite (d.vwk hρ) (d'.vwk hρ) (p.vwk ρ)
| reduce d d' p => reduce (d.vwk hρ) (d'.vwk hρ) (p.vwk ρ)
| initial di d d' => initial (di.wk hρ) (d.vwk hρ) (d'.vwk hρ)
| terminal de de' dr => terminal (de.wk hρ) (de'.wk hρ) (dr.vwk hρ.slift)

theorem TStep.lwk {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K r r' ρ} (hρ : L.Wkn K ρ)
: TStep (φ := φ) Γ L r r' → TStep Γ K (r.lwk ρ) (r'.lwk ρ)
| TStep.step d d' p => TStep.step (d.lwk hρ) (d'.lwk hρ) (p.lwk ρ)
| TStep.initial di d d' => TStep.initial di (d.lwk hρ) (d'.lwk hρ)
| TStep.terminal de de' dr => TStep.terminal de de' (dr.lwk hρ)
| let1_beta de dr => (let1_beta de (dr.lwk hρ)).cast_trg (by simp [lwk_vsubst])
| rewrite d d' p => rewrite (d.lwk hρ) (d'.lwk hρ) (p.lwk ρ)
| reduce d d' p => reduce (d.lwk hρ) (d'.lwk hρ) (p.lwk ρ)
| initial di d d' => initial di (d.lwk hρ) (d'.lwk hρ)
| terminal de de' dr => terminal de de' (dr.lwk hρ)

-- Note: vsubst needs InS lore for initiality, so that's in Setoid.lean

theorem TStep.lsubst {Γ : Ctx α ε} {L K} {r r' : Region φ} {σ : Subst φ}
(hσ : σ.Wf Γ L K) : (h : TStep Γ L r r') → TStep Γ K (r.lsubst σ) (r'.lsubst σ)
| step d d' p => sorry
| let1_beta de dr => (let1_beta de (dr.lsubst hσ.vlift)).cast_trg sorry
| rewrite d d' p => sorry--rewrite (d.lsubst hσ) (d'.lsubst hσ) (p.lsubst σ)
| reduce d d' p => sorry
| initial di d d' => initial di (d.lsubst hσ) (d'.lsubst hσ)
| terminal de de' dr => terminal de de' (dr.lsubst hσ.vlift)

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