This is a backend web app for a web content aggregator. It retrieves headlines from various news websites and stores them in a database. The web app is built using Flask, MySQL, Python, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS, BeautifulSoup, requests, Jinja2, and deployed to an AWS EC2 instance.
- Retrieves headlines from the following news websites:
- The New York Times
- Fox News
- The Guardian
- Sky Sports Football News
- Lansing State Journal
- The Detroit News
- Stores the headlines in a MySQL database.
- Provides a web application interface to display the aggregated headlines.
- Flask - Backend server
- MySQL - Database
- AWS - Hosting service
- Beautiful Soup - Web scraping and parsing HTML/XML
- requests - Making HTTP requests
- Bootstrap - Framework for responsive web design
- HTML/CSS - Markup and styling languages for web development
- Jinja2 - Templating engine
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