A lisp-like language written in Rust. Implements type inference and polymorphic functions. WIP.
A program like
(defn add (x)
(lambda (y)
(+ x y)))
(defn our_main ()
(let ((f (add 1)))
(f 2)))
gets compiled to
declare void @print(i64)
declare i64* @new(i64)
define i64 @sym1(i64 %y, i64 %self) {
%sym2 = inttoptr i64 %self to i64*
%sym3 = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %sym2, i64 1
%sym4 = load i64, i64* %sym3, align 8
%sym5 = add i64 %sym4, %y
%sym6 = sub i64 %sym5, 1
ret i64 %sym6
define i64 @add(i64 %x, i64 %self) {
%sym7 = call i64* @new(i64 3)
%sym8 = ptrtoint i64(i64, i64)* @sym1 to i64
store i64 %sym8, i64* %sym7, align 8
%sym9 = ptrtoint i64* %sym7 to i64
%sym10 = getelementptr inbounds i64, i64* %sym7, i64 1
store i64 %x, i64* %sym10, align 8
ret i64 %sym9
define i64 @our_main() {
%sym11 = call i64* @new(i64 2)
%sym12 = ptrtoint i64(i64, i64)* @add to i64
store i64 %sym12, i64* %sym11, align 8
%sym13 = ptrtoint i64* %sym11 to i64
%sym18 = add i64 0, 3
%sym14 = inttoptr i64 %sym13 to i64*
%sym15 = load i64, i64* %sym14, align 8
%sym16 = inttoptr i64 %sym15 to i64(i64, i64)*
%sym17 = call i64 %sym16(i64 %sym18, i64 %sym13)
%sym23 = add i64 0, 5
%sym19 = inttoptr i64 %sym17 to i64*
%sym20 = load i64, i64* %sym19, align 8
%sym21 = inttoptr i64 %sym20 to i64(i64, i64)*
%sym22 = call i64 %sym21(i64 %sym23, i64 %sym17)
ret i64 %sym22
(n.b. integer values are tagged so their representations are different in the compiled version)