This is a simple Todo List application that allows you to keep track of your daily tasks and organize them in a convenient way.
- Add new tasks to your list
- Mark tasks as completed
- Edit or delete existing tasks
- View a summary of completed and remaining tasks
- Getting Started
- To use the Todo List application, follow these steps:
- To add a new task, type the task description in the input field and click the "Enter" button.
- To mark a task as complete, check the box next to the task.
- To edit a task, click the left mouse button twice and make your changes.
- To delete a task, click the cross next to the task.
- To see a summary of completed and remaining tasks, check the status bar at the bottom of the page.
- To filter only completed or uncompleted tasks at the bottom there are two buttons for this.
- To clear the list of completed ones, there is a "Clear Completed" button at the bottom.
- To highlight all tasks as completed, you can click on the down arrow to the right of the input.
- React.
- Typescript.
- DOM.
- API request.
- Fetch.
- etc.