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Getting started

Installing the dependencies

Install the dependencies (yarn is recomended):

yarn # Or npm install

Restoring platforms

Platforms are automatically restored from package.json and config.xml when the 'cordova prepare' command is run.

cordova prepare

Running Dev Server

Easy development in HMR (Hot Module Replacement) mode:

yarn dev # Or npm run dev

Building for production

Perform a build (bundle.js) in www folder with copy assets and html page from src.

yarn build # Or npm run build

Run on cordova

Run on real device:

cordova run android --device

Run on emulator (virtual device):

cordova run android

Run on specific emulator:

# shows list of devices
cordova run android --list
# specify device
cordova run android --target "Nexus_4_API_26"

Cheat Sheets

External Resources

Helpful tools