This application demonstrates how to use Strava API with Spring boot, Spring security OAuth2 & Thymeleaf.
- display your activities on a map, given a filter by date and activity type
- display 200 activities of your contacts and the groups you belong to
- display pictures on the activities map
- provide extended statistics of your activities
- ability to update some basic activity attributes, such as: title, type, private, trainer, commute and gear
- ability to draw and export gpx routes/tracks
Some front frameworks used:
- Leaflet JS
- Leaflet control geocoder
- Leaflet routing machine
- Twitter bootstrap
- Angular 1
Java 8 & Maven
Create Strava API credentials of your own.
Ask for a Mapbox access token.
mvn clean package
java -DSTRAVA_CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id> -DSTRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET=<your_strava_client_secret> -DMAPBOX_TOKEN=<your_mapbox_token> -jar target/strava-client.war
You can customize the server port by adding -DSERVER_PORT=<port_value> to the line above. Otherwise it will be 8080 by default.
In your browser: http://localhost:8080
Alternatively, you can deploy this on Heroku or AWS Beanstalk. Make sure you configure properly the Strava API at .