This is a gerneral kubernetes device plugin. You can realize your device plugin with it very simple.
- applicable for kuberrnetes 1.10.x
- publish devices to kubernetes
- helps to mount device to container
- restart after kubelet restart, re-build socket
- custom your behaviour before container start
- kubernetes: v1.10.x
- go: v1.9+
git clone $GOPATH/src/deviceplugin
Create a main.go
package main
import (
pluginapi ""
func main() {
update := make(chan []*pluginapi.Device)
go yourDeviceManager(update)
conf := deviceplugin.Config{
ResourceName: "",
SocketName: "your-device.sock",
Update: update,
deviceplugin.Run(conf, nil)
Implement your device manager
is an implement of your device manager. It accept an go chan, and send all devices to it when devices is changed (added, deleted, or health change). It shall send all of the devices at beginning of manager running.
- ResourceName (Requied): The name of resource register in kubernetes. The name shall be like
, and your domain shall not
, whick is reserved. - SocketName(Requied): The socket file name. Then
will be created. - PreStartFunc(Optional): It is called before each container start if set.
- AllocateFunc(Optional): Handling acclocation request.
See extended resources for details.