QuantifFasga is a plugin for ImageJ whose aim is to quantify the histology of plant sections coloured with Fasga staining and digitised with whole slide microscopy scanner.
The method was published in the following article: Legland D, El-Hage F, Méchin V, Reymond M (2017) "Histological quantification of maize stem sections from FASGA-stained images", Plant Methods 13(1), p. 84.
The plugin requires the MorphoLibJ library.
To install the QuantifFasga plugin, simplyh download the .jar file of the latest version, and place it into the plugins folder of ImageJ. This will create a new menu item located at: Plugins -> Quantif Fasga 2.
Several menu entries are provided. Then can be used either to run the whole workflow with default parameters, or to run specific parts of the workflow by setting up more specific parameters.