The study presents an analysis and generation of pattern sequences acquired from northern Luzon ethnic textiles. The textile sample images were collected, analyzed, and processed into a grayscale raster shapes. The analyzed data for pattern sequences was converted into a deterministic finite automaton which includes the transition tables and diagram. The experiment revealed that some patterns have similar sequences which were grouped together. Based from each grouped sequence, the sequences were analyzed, and an algorithm was developed. Each algorithm was used to generate a new pattern that is closely comparable to the grouped sequences. The study observed the following patterns which are a(bc)nbma, abna, and (ab) nam representing the common sequences appearing in the textile patterns.
APIT 2021, January 15–17, 2021, Bangkok, Thailand
MADHAVI DEVARAJ, IAN JAMES H. RECTO, and RYAN CLARIAN. 2021. Sequence Analysis and Generation of Filipino Ethnic Textile Patterns using Finite Automata . In 2021 3rd Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference (APIT 2021), January 15–17, 2021, Bangkok, Thailand. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.