Releases: ihrz/ihrz
Releases · ihrz/ihrz
What's Changed
- Mise à jour des traductions EN-US by @Ether2024-003 in #81
- Mise à jour de ma description by @Ether2024-003 in #82
- Ajout d'un nouveau statut du bot. by @Ether2024-003 in #83
- Ajout de nouveaux status + Fix typos by @Ether2024-003 in #84
- Ajout d'un nouveaux status by @lavecat in #85
- Correction de mini fautes d'orthographe dans commandsSync.ts by @Ether2024-003 in #87
- On l'a fait (1000 Serveurs) by @Ether2024-003 in #88
- Ajout de l'extension .js au chemin d'importation de ConfigData by @Ether2024-003 in #90
- Ajout de l'explication Erreur 404 dans le AutoMod Mass Mention d'iHorizon by @Ether2024-003 in #89
- Eviter les répétitions by @Luxinenglish in #91
- correction d'une faute by @Luxinenglish in #92
- Update en-US.yml by @Luxinenglish in #94
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2025.2.0...2025.3.0
What's Changed
- Update fr-FR.yml by @kiirbyy in #69
- Amélioration des traductions Anglaises et Françaises + Amélioration du français méchant mdr by @Ether2024-003 in #70
- Amélioration des traductions Anglaises by @Ether2024-003 in #71
- Faute d'orthographe corrigé by @Ether2024-003 in #72
- iHorizon cannot be hosted on Windows by @Ether2024-003 in #74
- Faute d'orthographe corrigé by @Ether2024-003 in #73
- Modification de ma commande /ether by @Ether2024-003 in #75
- Update fr-FR.yml and en-US.yml and fr-ME.yml by @Luxinenglish in #76
- Update fr-ME.yml by @Luxinenglish in #78
New Contributors
- @kiirbyy made their first contribution in #69
- @Ether2024-003 made their first contribution in #70
- @Luxinenglish made their first contribution in #76
Full Changelog: 2025.1.1...2025.2.0
Full Changelog: 2025.1.0...2025.1.1
Happy new Year !
Full Changelog: 2024.12.2...2025.1.0
Full Changelog: 2024.12.1...2024.12.2
Full Changelog: 2024.12.0...2024.12.1
Full Changelog: 2024.11.6...2024.12.0
Full Changelog: 2024.11.5...2024.11.6
Full Changelog: 2024.11.4...2024.11.5