This is a Python library for reading, writing, and manipulating Named Binary Tag (NBT) files and data structures. Main git repository URL:
For documentation, install and import
it in Python and use Python's built-in help and doc functionality.
For the specification for NBT, see the included file "Named Binary Tags Specification.txt", which is taken from Markus Perrson's original specification.
It is meant to be straightforward to read, write, and manually create NBT data structures.
Example of creating a NBT data structure and saving it to a file:
from nbtformat import NamedTag, TagCompound, TagFloat, TagDouble
from nbtformat.printing import print_tag
# Create a NBT tag from scratch
x = NamedTag("Position data", TagCompound({
"x": TagFloat(3.0),
"y": TagFloat(-12.43),
"z": TagDouble(88.31),
# Write NBT compound tag to a file
with open("example 1.nbt", "wb") as f_out:
# Print NBT data in a readable form
Example of reading a saved NBT file:
from nbtformat import NamedTag
from nbtformat.printing import print_tag
# Read a NBT tag from a file (assuming file "example 1.nbt" already exists and is not gzipped)
with open("example 1.nbt", "rb") as f_in:
y = NamedTag.read_from_file(f_in)
# Print NBT data in a readable form