A library that fetches data from your Clubhouse organization and displays various metrics using Google Charts. Demonstrates how to combine the Clubhouse API and Google Charts to create an analytics dashboard that measures any arbitrary aspect of your Clubhouse data.
Install Node.js on your machine if you don't already have it installed.
# Clone the repo.
git clone git@github.com:clubhouse/project-analytics.git
cd project-analytics
# Install node dependencies. You only need to do this once.
npm install
# Add your Clubhouse API token as an environment variable.
# (Go to Clubhouse > Settings > Your Account > API Tokens to create one.)
# Fetch and compile your data by project. You can use a partial project name,
# e.g. "AP" will match projects starting with both "API" and "App". Leaving off
# the project-name will list the projects you have access to.
node fetch.js <project-name>
# Or, just fetch and compile data for all active (non-archived) projects:
node fetch.js all
# Finally, open the HTML file in your browser and select a project:
open index.html